If you've been blessed with the genes of the curled mess on top of your head, you've probably noticed throughout the span of your life that what lies beneath the curls is a love/hate relationship. Your hair can either make or break you, and sometimes (and by sometimes I mean most of the time) it's hard to maintain. Though the curls basically define you, it's finally time that we face the fact that we really can't define them.
Throughout my years of life with the defining curls, I've faced problem after problem that really just aren't resolvable. Whether you're part of the ringlet crew, the kinky crew, the wavy crew or anything in between, I can assume that the most of us face the same problems.
Maybe they sound a little bit like this:
1. Brushing isn't an option
Brushing those curls can really only happen when your hair is completely wet. Otherwise, you end up with a frizzy fro that doesn't do anyone any good.
2. You absolutely have to wash and blow dry your hair before you use a flat iron
A quick straighten over the mess of curls? Not a chance, especially if you want it to stay. Washing and blow drying is the only way to get the straighten hair to stay remotely straight, otherwise it's bad news.
3. The frizz is a given
It's always there and never avoidable. I'm not one to be heavy on the products really ever, so maybe that's part of the reason why, but with the curls comes the frizz.
4. There's no simple way to fall asleep with wet hair
It's just not possible. You may think that with the curls you'll be able to fall asleep with it wet and in the morning it'll be dried to perfection. Try half of it still wet and not in any normal curl form at all.
5. Humidity kills
Humidity ruins any good hair day you thought you might've had and just makes it a frizzy mess.
6. Messy buns
Curly hair holds perfect form for messy buns, but after a while the little baby hairs on the sides of your head come out to play and the messy bun starts to look just as it sounds--messy.
7. Your hair takes forever to dry
It's just a given and something that you'll grow used to.
8. Your hair is different every day
There's not one day that my hair will look the exact same as it did the day before. Each new day calls for new wonders of what the curls will hold in store for you.
9. Bangs are never an option
I mean, you can rock them if you like to style your hair to perfection every day, but pretty much to any of us, bangs just don't work.
10. Pony tails just don't look right
They just look like a bushy mess. We still sport them, but they really just don't look all too great.