Boredom. Everyone falls victim to it from time to time. It occurs on those days when all your friends are busy or it's raining outside and there is nothing to do. Luckily, I have found 10 things that are guaranteed to cure your boredom and have decided to share them with you.
1. Finish a Coloring Book
I received Daria Song’s The Time Chamber for Christmas a couple years ago and have discovered that it is a perfect cure for boredom. Along with the beautifully complex illustrations, each page of this book contains parts of a story about a little fairy. All the drawings are so beautiful and are good time consumers. Most of these adult type coloring books are very inexpensive and can be found at stores like Walmart, Target, and Marshalls.
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2. Play Card Games
I never thought card games could be a cure to boredom until my friend taught me how to play spit. That night I spent three hours attempting to beat him and our other friends. Even if you don't have friends, there are plenty of single-person card games, to play. I found a bunch of the following website:
3. Write
Writing is a great way to relieve stress and get your thoughts down on paper. There are many writing prompts available online to help your creative juices flow. If you're not a big creative writer, you can create some fun lists. They can be something silly like your top ten favorite animals or more serious like a list of things you want to do before you graduate.
4. Catch Up with a Old Friend or Family Member
Being away at college, I always have a friend back at home that I can catch up with. Even if you don't have any friends to catch up with, I'm sure grandparents would love a call updating them on your life
5. Read a Novel
Reading a book can whisk you into a new world and make you forget all about your boredom. Recently, I was recommended to read We Were Liars by E. Lockhart. If you aren't a big fan of novels, try reading a magazines or maybe some news articles.
6. Give Yourself A Beauty Day
Everyone has a special way to relax, so why not spend a day doing your special routine. Take a nice warm bubble bath or paint your nails.
7. Test a New Baking Recipe
I love trying out new baking recipes, specifically cookies. Throwing the ingredients together and finding the best outcomes for your sweets is so satisfying. Plus, it is even more satisfying to taste and share your results with friends.
8. Start a Scrapbook or Photo Collage
Everyone has a DIY Board on Pinterest full of crafts you've never tried, so why not try some. By the time you find an idea and begin to create, you'll forget all about your boredom. Get started on those canvases and photo collages!
9. Organize Your Life
This can be as simple as making a list of things to get done or as complex as putting all your events into calendar. Getting your life more organized always makes you feel more put together and can give you the motivation you need.
10. Watch a Movie
Everyone has a list of movies they've been meaning to watch. Why not spend some of your time catching up on these movies. Personally, I recommend any classic 80's movie, specifically 16 Candles and Dirty Dancing.