1. Wood Planters.
You can be creative with one. It could be anything from a wooden box...
...to a hollowed out piece of wood.
2. Tea Tins
If you are a tea drinker, or you know a tea drinker then this one is right up your ally. You could even by the tea and put the tea into a separate container to use the tin sooner. These won't take a lot of work and will be pretty inexpensive. Not to mention that vintage look.
3. Shells
This one's a bit out there but scroll down, give it a chance.
4. Cork Magnets
5. Books
If you can destroy a book without crying go for it, just.... be gentle. They do look nice.
6. Frames
Hey, your succulents are so pretty they should be in a picture. Also, who doesn't want a verticle garden?
7. Brick
Bricks aren't normally something you display but come on, how cool does this look.
8. Berry Basket
9. Cigar Boxes
I'm not saying you should smoke a whole box of cigars but I am telling you so scour amazon, thrift shops, or your grandparent's attic.
10. Tea Cups
This one might be the cutest one ever. But that's just my opinion.