College was deemed to be "The best four years of your life." Whoever said that did not realize that college students have too many responsibilities on their plates to act somewhat normal. Here are 10 crazy things I have noticed over the past year that all college students do.
1. Set an alarm for a 10 minute nap
Let's be honest. Between classes, clubs, seeing friends, and having personal time, we sometimes need to take a quick nap just to make sure we get through the day.
2. Wearing headphones when walking around campus
It's 9am in the morning, and someone approaches me. Does it seem like I really want to talk to someone this early? Nope! Wearing headphones around campus avoids small talk in the morning with someone you don't really like.
3. Partying with random people/at random people's houses
"Hey, I don't know you! Let's take a shot!"
4. Stealing anything that would look remotely cool in your room.
Especially on TCNJ's campus, people will steal ANYTHING from posters to the sign of the student center just because.
5. Drinking caffeine at ANY hour of the day
Whether it's 7am or 12am, it is ALWAYS socially acceptable to drink caffeine at any hour of the day. It helps to keep us going.
6. Going to campus events for free food/shirts
7. Never knowing where your money went
I feel like every college student is broke. I honestly wonder where all of my money went sometimes. Food? Alcohol? Impulsive spending? The world may never know.
8. Wearing whatever you want to class
Whether it be sweatpants, a business suit, pajamas, or even a blanket, our stress levels are too high to care about what we are wearing to class.
9. Stealing food from the dining hall
Aside from stealing signs, college students LOVE to steal food. We are too poor/hungry and don't have time to make real food or wait in long lines.
10. Somehow managing to get through everything at the end of the day
Getting through a day of classes can be tough, but oddly enough, we can (and somehow do) make it through!!