America is known as being the best country in the world and most of the time it is. Except for when we still have outdated crazy laws that should not exist today.
1. ARKANSAS: You are not allowed to pronounce Arkansas incorrectly.
2. COLORADO: People must not dress unbecoming of their sex.
3. GEORGIA: You can’t keep ice cream in your back pocket on Sundays.
4. HAWAII: Everyone is required to own a boat.
5. ILLINOIS: Midget tossing is illegal in bars, but is legal in other parts of the city if you have a permit.
6. INDIANA: Everyone is required to work on a public road six days a year.
7. IOWA: One-armed piano players must perform for free.
8. MARYLAND: One cannot spit on the sidewalk.
9. OHIO: One cannot kill a housefly within 160 feet of a church.
10. UTAH: Husbands are responsible for their wives’ criminal behavior in their presence.