Being a Communications major has, like all other majors, a multitude of ups and downs. Sure, many may think we aren't a real major, which sometimes seems true, but we have so many sides to us that we cannot help but be some of the most clever, interesting people on campus. Here are some of the basic struggles a Communications major has to deal with on a regular basis:
1. Returning tech equipment on time.
The weird hours of the IT department don't make it easy. Many microphones have not successfully made it back into their casing come Thursday due date (especially when you procrastinate your homework).
2. Refusing to have a mental breakdown when Adobe Creative Cloud suffers a colossal meltdown.
Adobe is the bane of many a Comm major's existences, as the entire thing decides to shut down and reboot right before you're about to save your audio postcard.
3. Trying to explain what it is exactly that you do.
Do we even know? It's mainly digital skills unless you focus in linguistics, which is a whole other bag.
4. Pretending you know how to code when you actually have no idea.
"Girls who code!" I chant proudly as I sweatily attempt to work Sublime.
5. Being the only person in the room with a PC
No, I don't have a Mac, and yes, I realize the professor hates my computer almost as much as my overdue homework and in-class bagel-eating.
6. The pressure to declare another major along with it (or at least a minor)
Just Communications makes people think you're lazy, when really you're just smart enough to be the major everyone wants to hire.
7. Getting used to calling every professor by their first name
So personal, so uncomfortable.
8. Happily nodding and pretending you understand when your professor demonstrates how to use all the tech equipment
I totally get it, until I get home and I have no idea what anyone said at any moment.
9. Frantically Googling how to use certain CSS and HTML
Learning to code is 10000% Google.
10. Loving life when everyone says they wish they were a Comm major
It's a great life, who wouldn't want it?