10 Things College Students Are Thankful For This Thanksgiving | The Odyssey Online
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10 Things College Students Are Thankful For This Thanksgiving

I think it's time we gave a little thanks to the things getting us through the year.

10 Things College Students Are Thankful For This Thanksgiving

1. Thanksgiving break. Through all the stress of school work and nearing the end of this semester, its time for a much needed break. Although this break may only be three extra days added to our weekend, but hey, at this point we'll take it!

2. Home cooked meals. Thanks to Thanksgiving we won't have to worry about finding scrap change to go get fast food or eat on campus, we finally get a warm home cooked meal that we have all long awaited.

3. It's almost Christmas. After Thanksgiving, all eyes are on December 25. Not only do we get another break from school, but we also get to enjoy snow, spending time with our family, and gift giving and the best of all, gift receiving.

4. Second semester is around the corner. We are so close to the end! While being stressed about finals, we can just remember that second semester is almost here. New classes, a fresh start, and the cold weather will soon fade into spring.

5. Seeing our families. Many of us do not get the chance to see our families as much as we would like during our four years of college. So when Thanksgiving rolls around we finally get to spend that quality time we have been missing. Not to mention our pets, being away from them is even harder at times than missing your own family.

6. Black Friday. With the little money that we do have, Black Friday gives us a chance to find some great deals, and treat ourselves a little bit.

7. Being alive. College is way harder than it looks, so this Thanksgiving we are thankful to just be alive and making it through this crazy ride.

8. The memories. Everyday and especially every weekend, college gifts us with some amazing memories. Meeting new people, making friends, falling in love, losing friends — the list goes on. Although some may be bad and some may be good, we'll remember these four years for the rest of our lives.

9. Good Health. With college comes unhealthy eating, low amount of physical activity, and for some of us, the alcohol. This Thanksgiving we should all give a little thanks to our health. Thanks for letting me eat McDonald's every night and not gaining the freshman fifteen.

10. The lessons we have learned, and the ones we will soon learn. We are growing up, making mistakes, and making our life decisions on our own. Everyday we learn lessons and learn from them, making up grow into the person we want to be, and most importantly, an adult.

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