For a lot of you, your fall finals are just around the corner. Although I'm so glad to not have to worry about finals anymore, I have to admit that I kind of miss finals week. I don't miss the studying or freak-outs, but I miss the weird things we all do to procrastinate. So, here are 10 things we all do during finals week.
1. Use the textbooks as coasters or shelves or anything else all semester, and finally open them during finals week.
2. Calculate the grade you'd have to get on your final to pass the class.
3. Invite friends over to procrastinate with you. But don't call it a "party" call it a "study group" instead.
4. Take lots of snack breaks, then take a nap, then start to study, then take a break again because you need more snacks.
5. Go to the library to avoid distractions, then watch Netflix instead.
6. Drink coffee, lots of coffee!
7. Walk into the professors' offices for the first time all semester to ask for extra credit, even though you never turned in a single homework assignment.
8. Before every test, ask the professors if they are going to curve the grades.
9. Repeatedly have meltdowns and regret waiting so long to study, vow to never do it again.
10. Repeat number 9 every single semester.