After your first couple semesters on campus, you will start to hate people that do certain things and wish they would drop out because of the way they act. I CAN'T EVEN!
1. Walking on the wrong side of the sidewalk.
I see you and I hate you. all of you. I almost walk into you full force because you haven't learned proper walking etiquette. We drive on the right side, we walk on the right side when walking towards people ALWAYS!
2. Taking someone else's seat in class.
Yes, I am talking to you, guy in my Public Relations Class.
3. Standing on the middle of the sidewalk with others while people are trying to get around you.
4. People who are a distraction during class.
SHUT UP and Turn off your loud music I am trying to get a degree here.
5. Pen clickers and gum chompers.
Just stahp! Find another annoying tick that doesn't disturb someone trying to focus. Chomping gum does not make you look attractive at all.
6. Parents who bring their sick kids to class.
Why are you trying to get the entire class sick?!?! You let your kid play, cry, and scream while I am trying to get an A on this quiz. What are you thinking?! I just need to know!!
7. Classmates who don't participate at all in group projects and make one person do all of the work.
It is not fair. All you do is sit there when we meet up. I wonder what you listen to in your headphones or think about since you don't say anything or do anything to help.
8. People who smell awful or don't shower.
There is such thing as deodorant you know.
9. When people don't show up to class until test day.
Like really? I worked my butt off to be here every day I can while you sleep and drink or do whatever until test day. Don't even try to act like you care on test day and take someone else's seat and ask questions before the test. Your fault. I hope the professor has an attendance policy.
10. Boring lectures without pictures or activities.
Dear professor, please be a little less boring and monotone and help your students out. It helps us learn and pay attention. Thank you.