Hello and congratulations! You have accomplished something so great, and your journey has only begun. This is an exciting time, and I'm sure your mind is racing. As an incoming college senior, I'm going to compose a list for you to help your transition into this new world called college. These are things that I wish people would have told me, and things I learned along the way. I hope this list can help you have a less stressful freshman year.
1. Your Freshman Year Will Be Chaotic
While I don't like to be a pessimist, it's true. Freshman year will make you question the adult world. You go into college with these expectations and visions of how college is, and you soon find out they're all lies. Being a freshman means: you get to schedule classes after everyone else, which means you get the worst schedule of classes, and your sleep schedule will be insane.
2. Make Rate My Professor Your Best Friend
An amazing website to use religiously in college is rate my professor. It's this amazing site that has reviews of professors on university campuses all over the country. It is also a great way to get some insight on who to pick if a class you need offers many options on professors teaching it. You don't want to get stuck with an impossible-to-please professor. Not only will it kill your mood about college, but it will also kill your GPA.
3. Always Research Book Prices
Don't be that person who only shops at the college bookstore. While some university bookstores are as cheap as you'll find, it's never a bad idea to cross-reference other options. Both Amazon and Chegg are a great start when you're looking for cheaper books. They also buy your old books, too! So you never have to worry about what to do with that book you absolutely had to buy.
4. You Might Change Your Major, And That's Okay
The average college student will change their major at least once in their academic career. Don't wait until your senior year to decide you hate your current major, and change everything. It's okay to be indecisive. College is about finding what you want to do with the rest of your life.
5. It's Okay To Be A Late Bloomer
This can mean a lot of things. You can be a late bloomer on growing up, a late bloomer on life decisions, even a late bloomer on perfecting your style. There is no time limit on your life. Take things slow if you need to.
6. Greek Life Isn't For Everyone
Your first week of college will be full of free stuff. People will be walking around campus handing out promotional items to the students walking around. With this, Greek organizations will be on the hunt. They will seek out freshman to get them interested in rushing for a chapter. While this is perfectly fine, some might feel obligated to attend a meeting because they took information handed to them. Greek life isn't for everyone. It's a huge commitment, and most don't realize it. It's also a huge financial commitment. If you have seconds thoughts, don't be afraid to opt out of the Greek lifestyle.
7. Don't Take It Personally When You Lose A Friend
High school has ended, which means everyone has moved away. It's a sad part of growing up when friends drift away from each other. While you're making new friends in college, you might notice your old friends become less active in your life. It's a sad reality, but it's not your fault.
8. Take Time To Get To Know Your Professors
This might be the first time in your life when you experience teachers who genuinely care about your progress. With that being said, if you need to talk to them about something, do it! They will be more than willing to help you in times of need. They are also great people for possible job connections in the future!
9. Take Advantage Of The Student ID
Since you are now a college student, your ID can be used for a ton of things. You can get so many discounts with it. There are many websites that allow for student discounts, as well as local businesses. Even your university can offer some really awesome discounts with your ID as well.
10. Have Fun
Take a deep breath, it will be okay. It will be a huge adjustment, but once you get the hang of things, remember to have fun. College is one of the greatest times of your life, so take advantage of it. These four years will be over before you know it.