In our college-level courses, we learn everything from statistics to English literature to political science to world religions. But there are some skills that our classes just don't teach us. We still find ourselves calling Mom to help us with some of the most basic questions. Sometimes it feels like we need a class to teach us how to be adults. Here are a few classes that we wish were offered on campus.
1. Meal Planning 1220
When I go to the grocery store, I'm just grabbing everything. There's no rhyme or reason and definitely no plan for what I'm going to make each night. I'm not even sure when the last time I used a recipe was.
2. Taxes 1000
Let's be honest, does anyone understand how to do taxes?
3. Fixing My Resume 1110
People always say "this will be a great resume builder," but at this point, I've done so many "resume builders" that my resume could be a novel. Someone just tell me what to write down to make an employer look at my resume for more than the average 10 seconds.
4. Renting and Leasing 1312
College housing markets are probably one of the most frustrating things ever. Rent, utilities, signing almost a year in advance, it all just gets to be too much.
5. Laundry Basics 1010
Can I wash everything together? What does fabric softener even do? What would happen if I didn't put in a dryer sheet? These are the questions that haunt me.
6. Current Events 1500
As college students, we often forget there there is a world outside of going out on a Tuesday or studying for our biology midterm. We choose to watch Netflix instead of the news or read our textbooks instead of the New York Times. We need a little push to get us to pay attention to news that isn't the weather.
7. Fundamentals of Automobiles
God forbid I ever get a flat tire or my car breaks down, because I would be completely S.O.L.
8. Balancing a Checkbook 1300
Another money thing that very few of us know how to do properly.
9. Administrative Work 1113
At some point after graduation, many of us will have administrative tasks to do, such as filing papers, faxing stuff, and answering phone calls and, I'm not going to lie, those giant copy machines are pretty intimidating.
10. Financing Your Future 1460
How to go from being a broke college student to a functioning adult is the biggest mystery of all.