Today is the day after Christmas. All the built up hype about the gifts and the food have now left. People across the world are left in fog. Some people might even feel empty. It's okay to have these after Christmas feelings, you're not alone. To help cheer everyone, I have put together some common after Christmas feelings told by no better person than Buddy the Elf. So grab a box of tissues and put on a smile, you won't feel empty much loner. Besides it's Buddy the Elf what could not be happy about Buddy the Elf?
1) Sadness
The Christmas enthusiasts everywhere will feel tons and tons of sadness. All your friends that have been playing Christmas music since November 1 are probably somewhere now listing to Blue Christmas now that it is finally over. Look out for your friends and family and don't let them slip into a Christmas depression.
2) Anger
Other people are the opposite of sadness, anger. Some people rage at the fact they didn't get a custom Mercedes for Christmas, but we can't have it all every year. Don't become bitter embrace you toy model Mercedes instead.
3) Happiness
Holidays give some people a happiness high. Nothing in the world can ruin their happiness, so don't be a downer.
4) A Tad Bit Drunk
Some people took the holidays just a little too far. Maybe you had one too many drinks at the family dinner. Instead of having a great day after Christmas, people are experiencing the joys of being hungover. I hope you enjoyed Christmas Day at least.
5) In Denial
Another feeling is being in denial. The holiday rush is finally over and all that is left is New Year's. Christmas is also a quick hint that the year is about to end. Some people aren't for those thoughts and often end up in denial.
6) Lost
After weeks of shopping and planning many Americans don't know what to do after Christmas has ended. All that hard work paid off and now what else is there to do?
7) Excited
For all the scrooges in the world you might feel excitement. After a long holiday season there will be no more Christmas music played in the stores, at work, on the radio, or even in your house for another 11 months. So go out and enjoy the fact that Christmas is over, finally
8) Stuffed With Food
The food on Christmas day seems to never end. Sadly your stomach has other feelings. On the day after Christmas you might feel a little stuffed. Just remember with a little exercise you'll be better in no time.
9) Exhausted
You've worked so hard to make this Christmas the best one yet. You might be feeling a little exhausted by now. Just sit back and relax and get ready to plan New Year's.