It seems like the statistics for alcoholic parents is growing by the year, so to help you understand what it’s like for children who grow up with alcoholic parents here are 10 things you need to know about kids who grow up with alcoholic parents.
1. We think that everything is always our fault.
2. We’re usually the caregivers in the relationship taking on the “parental” role.
3. We don’t usually have friends due to our environment.
4. Normal for us is parents fighting or even abuse.
5. We always need approval, because we think we’re not good enough and what we do isn’t good enough.
6. There’s always fear in our lives, a fear of what’s going to happen next, a fear of giving this disease to our children or ruin our children the way we were ruined.
7. There’s always a need to perfect, most have a fear of rejection so there’s always that thought to do everything so you don’t get rejected.
8. There’s a sense of control because for our lives we’ve been in control, of feeding ourselves, taking care of the parents, the house, siblings.
9. We’re always stressed and at no peace, though we are stressed when we're not stressed it's not normal, that is our life. Our life is chaos and stress, something that’s comfortable for us.
10. We don’t want to grow up like our parents so we do everything we can not too but it’s hard to break the statistic when there’s usually no one there to help you break it along the way.
These are just a few things to know about children who grow up with alcoholic parents. Most kids acquire either anxiety, depression or PTSD from their childhood.
So, with that being, said before you go and judge someone for why they are the way they are, think about all of the possibilities on why they might be that way.
Be kind with your words and actions toward people, you never know what type of childhood they had or what they are going through.