Not everyone is as lucky as I am. One of my best friends has been my friend since I was three years old--for 17 years! That's a hell of a whole lot of time. Most childhood friendships tend to drift apart due to separation (different schools, moving away, etc.), losing things in common with each other, or just loss of interest. It's unfortunate, but it's true; as people we change and develop as we grow older, especially throughout our childhood. It's only healthy and natural for us to continually change our friends as we grow into ourselves. However, for those few very special friends who DO end up staying with you throughout your childhood and into your adulthood, they become some of the most important people in your life. Here's 10 things I want to thank my childhood best friend for:
1. For befriending me in the first place
Yeah, okay, maybe befriending each other was more out of convenience of going to the same preschool and our moms encouraging us to make friends. But either way they weren't there to pick and choose who we chose to play house least, I don't remember if they were. Whatever the case, you decided to be my friend from a young age, and obviously it wasn't a decision poorly made.
2. For being by my side during the awkward years
Ahh, yes...junior high. The time when sepia filters and unflattering, high-up camera angles were cool. Also the time of either over-plucked or under-plucked eyebrows, Aeropostle clothing, and way too much eyeliner. The only memorable thing about this time of our lives was that we went through it together.
3. For all the laughs
There are probably a million inside jokes we've developed over the years, as well as stupid things we always laugh at no matter what. From the outside we look like the two goofiest people in the room, but as long as we're together you can't stop the cackling from happening.
4. For sticking with me throughout all levels of school
From preschool to college, we've never truly been separated. Sure, now we may go to different universities, but we haven't let that divide us. We've kept in touch no matter what. Through going to school together for all those years, I think we're able to handle a little distance.
5. For experiencing some of the biggest life events with me
From graduation to other achievements you've been there for me through it all, either by my side or cheering from the stands. Nothing feels better than to have a friend supporting you during something huge in your life, and you've been that person for me.
6. For taking the time to visit
If we've both got the time, you won't hesitate to come visit me. Sometimes a good friend visiting after not seeing them for a while is all I need to relieve some stress, and you know that. It's an aspect of our friendship that I'm grateful for.
7. For doing my favorite things with me
From auditioning for the fall play to seeing a movie I want to see with me, you've never strayed away from embracing my interests and trying them. Whether you ended up liking them or not, you weren't afraid to try the things I liked in order to experience them with me. I think I can safely say that theatre is definitely one of your favorite things now.
8. For taking me out when I need it
You know maybe more than most people in my life when I'm down and need a night out--and you won't shy away from it. A girl's night out with my best friend is sometimes all I need in order to feel better, and if possible you'll always try to make that happen for me. If we could, we'd ALWAYS go out together. We like the same places, the same activities, and leaving at a decent time!
9. For being one of the people I can be the most comfortable with
We've no shortage of goofy, strange, and just plain weird moments together. But that's because we've known each other for so long. We've pretty much seen every side of our personalities. When I'm around you there's no fear of being myself and there's no filter on what I say, because I know you're the one person who would never judge me.
10. For all the wonderful memories
All I can say is that there's never been a dull moment with our friendship. We've been friends for as long as two people our age can, and I wouldn't trade all the memories I've made with you for anything. Thanks for everything.