10 Cheesy Romantic Movies To Watch | The Odyssey Online
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10 Cheesy Romantic Movies To Watch

Take a break from The Notebook

10 Cheesy Romantic Movies To Watch

Looking for a good movie to snuggle up in front of this weekend? Feeling lonely? Getting sick of the notebook? Here are ten of my favorite, wonderful, romance movies to watch.

1. First Daughter (2004)

This is a heartwarming story follows the first daughter of the United States, and her introduction into college, normal life, and maybe even love.

2. Austenland (2013)

A Jane Austen obsessed woman goes on vacation to a place where all of her dreams can come rue and she can finally find closure; Austenland. Little does she know that she will stumble upon prejudice, deceit, and romance during her dream adventure.

3. Dirty Dancing (1987)

A classic story about a sheltered girl, a poor dance instructor, and a whole lotta love.

4. Blended (2014)

If you're looking for a less traditional romance, here you go. Two single parents in need of companionship keep bumping into each other, and they hate each other...but could that change? In one fateful and hilarious double-family spring break to Africa you may just find out.

5. Clueless (1995)

Cher Horowitz has always had it easy: rich lifestyle, her father wrapped around her finger, popularity, and most importantly: being able to get any guy she wants (not that she'd ever date a high school boy). So what happens when her latest charity case outshines her, and the boy she wants just doesn't like her? Will she have a change of heart and stop being so clueless?

6. Pride and Prejudice (2005)

Probably Jane Austen's most famous, a story about class, love, pride, and prejudice in Georgian England.

7. Letters to Juliet (2010)

Who doesn't love Amanda Seyfried? This is an exceptionally cheesy movie about a woman who visits Italy on a vacation with her busy fiance. While wandering, discovers a wall where broken-hearted women leave notes to Juliet, and the amazing group of women that responds to them. Sophie finds herself tangled in it when she finds a 50 year old letter, and joins a journey to find an old woman her long lost love

8. Sense and Sensiblity (1995)

Two sisters: Marianne and Elinor. Both with big hearts, but completely different approaches to love. Elinor is very sensible, and keeps her emotions to herself no matter how in love she is, breaking her in the process. Marianne: very loving, very open, and very naive, her saving and fatal qualities. Will either manage to find middle ground and claim the true love they deserve?

9. 10 Things I Hate About You (1999)

.Kat is very self reilant, and intmidating, with a popular sister, Bianca, who won't get off her case. Patrick is an alleged criminal that nobody talks to. When Kat's father says that Bianca can't date until Kat does, a scheme is planned, and the two are pushed together, changing them forever.

10. Literally Any Hallmark movie

Cheesy romance. The Holiday Season. Enough said.

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