1. Sometimes it can be super hard to get us out.
When it comes to going out with other peoples, thoughts race through our heads. "What if I don't have fun" or "what if I see sometime I don't like." We hate having to get up and get dressed knowing we are leaving behind our laptops and a piles of things that need to be done. But then we start to think about how much fun it could be and what if there is a hot guy out there waiting for me tonight.
2. Just because we like being around people doesn't always mean we want to talk.
Sometimes we just enjoy being around people but not having to talk. We like the company and knowing someone is there for us, but we sometimes would rather be silent than
have to speak. Being around people makes us happy, but when they start conversations with us sometimes it can be too much.
3. People think we are very flirty, but....we really aren't.
As people we know that social interactions is a must. Well, sometimes when we are talking to people we come off a bit strong. But we are only trying to give them our full undivided attention so that the interaction doesn't get too awkward.
4. We live inside of our heads even though we seem extremely outgoing.
When it comes to a social situation or just any situation we seem pretty outgoing, but we aren't. Our minds are always racing and analyzing the situation. We think of the worst things that could happen and the good things. We just don't let people see what we are thinking.
5. We enjoy listening to others.
We are generally pretty great listeners. We unfortunately like to give every our attention and usually we get nothing in return. We are so quick to listen and helps others, but we soon realize that others don't want to help and listen to us. So, we are left with out own thoughts and problems to figure out ourselves.
6. Although we like being alone, we still get lonely.
Sometimes it can be hard for us to balance our time between these. Sometimes we just really want to go out and do something because we are lonely, but once again we don't want to leave our room because we like that a lone time.
7. Sometimes we suck at responding to texts because sometimes we just don't want to talk to anyone.
This one happens a lot. It's not because we hate you or are annoyed by you. Sometimes we just spend so much time around people and spend so much time talking that we forget we actually have a phone and others to talk to. Sometimes we get exhausted by all the interaction that we just need a break.
8. We make new friends easily, but have a hard time maintaining a relationship with them.
Going back to number 7. We can make friends with no problem, but when it comes to actually maintaining the relationship we suck. We often have a hard time getting to know others and once again we exhausted by trying so hard that we just forget to text them or talk to them about hanging out.
9. We hate small talk.
If it was possible to avoid small talk we would. We want to get to know you and what you are like. We want to know about your family and your goals. Please don't talk to us about the weather or about politics. It makes us uncomfortable, but because of the way we are. If you are comfortable with small talk then we can try to as well.
10. If we tell you we like you. Then odds are we actually like you.
We are very picky about the people we like and if we tell you we like you, then we really mean it. If we actually text you and hanging out then you are pretty special. It takes a lot out of us to get to know people and we don't just waste our time on people we don't like. It's like we are full of ourselves, we just don't liking having to waste energy and time on people we don't enjoy being around.
I can connect with each of thee on such a high level. I definitely classify myself as a Extroverted Introvert, and I am okay with that. I know that I have issues when it comes to let people in but I don't care. I am who I am and that will never change. I love being this way. Even though it can be hard at times that's okay. We are a special kind and and we should all love ourselves for that.