Growing up was the prime time for us girls to figure out what kind of boy we were going to date. And I would say it's safe to say that many times - we failed at picking "the right one" as we experienced heartbreak for the first time. Throughout high school we ran into boys and thought they were just fantastic, only to turn around and hate them for who they actually were. When we were young, we always chased after the wrong guys. The guys who we thought were "cool" but were actually absolute jerks...After trial and error, I think it's safe to say to DATE THE BOY WHO:
1. Date the boy who constantly tries to make you laugh
A boy whose favorite thing is to see you smile and to hear your laugh is the boy to keep. Effort is key in successful relationships! If he doesn't care if you're happy, he doesn't care at all
2. Date the boy who smiles just simply at the sight of you
When he comes to pick you up from home and the minute you walk out to meet him the first thing you're greeted with is a smile, it feels pretty good. Knowing that just seeing you makes him happy and puts a big smile on his face will make you feel like a million bucks
3. Date the boy who takes you on unique dates
Everyone loves a good theater movie after a nice dinner, but even more than that - something unique. A date that has thought put behind it. Whether it's coming over to his house and he's made a pillow fort with a laptop and netflix playing, or driving out to the river after dark and laying on a pallet in the bed of his truck and talk about everything under the moon (literally). Even something as simple as walking through Barnes and Noble picking out books for each other, or going into random stores and making each other try on different outfits of their choice - unique dates are the best dates, and they keep everything new.
4. Date the boy who brings you flowers
Being picked up on a Sunday morning before church to him standing in the doorway with a bouquet of flowers in his hands reaching out to you is just absolutely flawless. Knowing he thought of you on the way over and wanted to make your morning wonderful feels great.
5. Date the boy who will listen to you cry
Knowing that you always have someone that is one-hundred percent willing to be your shoulder to cry on is just so dependable. It's amazing to come home after a long and difficult day at work and just lay your head on his shoulder and cry it out. And it makes it even better when he actually listens to ever word and says exactly the right thing to make you feel better just tops it all off.
6. Date the boy who sends you long texts/writes you letters
When he sends/gives you a long message letting you know how much you mean to him, is priceless. Whether its a text or a hand-written letter - the message is the same. He was thinking of you and wanted to let you know about it.
7. Date the boy who tells you you're beautiful
Being called hot, sexy, etc. means nothing. Being called beautiful, brilliant, and beautiful is so much more. It's deeper and more thoughtful. It shows affection for the mind and not just physically.
8. Date the boy you can be yourself around
It is so important that you can act yourself around your significant other. Whether it's laughing until you cry (embarrassingly laughing hard) which makes him laugh in return, or saying completely inappropriate jokes to one another without being afraid of being judged.
9. Date the boy who is also your best friend
If he's your best friend - you know everything about each other. You are undeniably and uncontrollable comfortable with each other. You have the same personality, likes/dislikes, etc. This makes the relationship so much more fun
10. Date the boy who is in love with your brain
Date the boy who knows how smart you are and reminds you of it when you feel down. Who compliments your intelligence. Who tells you every day how smart you are - and how much he loves how you think. Date the boy who knows your worth.
Knowing what you deserve is what will land you the boy you'll spend forever with. Stop looking in the wrong places, ladies. Realize that you deserve this boy. Know your worth and know that you should get to have the boy with these characteristics.