10 Things That Change Once The Weather Gets Nice In Binghamton | The Odyssey Online
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10 Things That Change Once The Weather Gets Nice In Binghamton

The only thing to worry about now is having enough sun screen.

10 Things That Change Once The Weather Gets Nice In Binghamton
SUNY Binghamton

The Binghamton weather can feel pretty rough some days. And by some days, I mean the majority of the school year. However, now that the sun is out and you no longer need to wear a heavy coat down to your knees, there is a very different mood. In fact, once the weather turns so nice, it almost feels like a whole different school. Below, 10 thoughts or things that are bound to happen now that the temperature is warmer and you actually want to go outside.

1. People actually go here?

After a very, very long winter it can seem surprising to see the amount of people who are actually out walking around now that the weather is nice outside. You suddenly realize just how big the school truly is. My personal theory is that more people are willing to go to class when it's nice out, instead of feeling like it's too cold to even leave their rooms, but who knows.

2. Doing work suddenly feels (even more) torturous.

When there's sun out and people are happily sitting outside just trying to work on their tans, it can seem pretty difficult to do school work or sit inside for a lecture that seems like it'll never end. As soon as it's warm out, it pretty much feels like summer vacation has already started and that inevitably throws off the work game.

3. You can't wait for finals to be over.

The problem with the feeling of "it's already summer vacation" is that it's just not summer vacation yet. Nonetheless, this feeling does amplify how much you can't wait for finals to be over, and it seems as though every day someone else is counting down exactly how many days (and hours, minutes, and seconds) there are until finals are officially over and it will truly be vacation time.

4. People are happier.

With warm weather comes happier people. As soon as the dark clouds disappear, the smiles come out. Everyone is happier, more cheerful, and overall more relaxed. You can't help but be in a better mood now that the active risk of hypothermia is no longer present.

5. ...But will it snow tomorrow?

Even with all of these positive thoughts, there's still the nagging question of wondering if the weather is going to turn bad again. For instance, this past week there was one day where it was basically hailing and another where it was beautiful and bright and sunny. It's really just a roller coaster of emotions (and weather) around here.

6. Still need that umbrella.

While the fear of snow may be irrational (or, hopefully, at least) at this point, the risk of rain persists. Even as the weather becomes as nice as it is, there's always the chance of rain. It is important to carry around an umbrella to avoid getting caught unexpectedly in the rain in shorts and a flimsy t-shirt.

7. There is a real need for ice cream.

And by ice cream, I mean that suddenly, your entire snapchat story feed becomes full of pictures from Sugar Lips ice cream. As someone who has recently gone there three days in a row, I would highly recommend. Just be aware that if the line is too long, (the only downside of the warm weather is long ice cream lines) you won't be allowed to sample the various flavors.

8. You constantly search for the perfect tanning spot.

Every person has his own opinion when it comes to where exactly the ideal tanning spot is. Some people may prefer a spot right in the sun with a lot of people around them, such as sitting by the peace quad. Others may not want to be as directly in the sun and would rather find a shadier spot.

9. No more jackets.

There's nothing like the feeling of no longer needing to bring a jacket around with you everywhere you go. Without the bulkiness of a jacket, everything literally feels lighter and easier. Especially if you're going out at night, you know what a relief it is not to worry about bringing a jacket out.

10. The Red Mango line.

Even when it's cold out, there are always people getting frozen yogurt and smoothies from the Red Mango in the marketplace. However, once it gets warm out, the line suddenly doubles in size. The line is still worth waiting on, but just be warned that if you want a smoothie, make sure you're not in any rush.

Binghamton weather may be tough to get through during the winter, but once it's nice out, it can feel like that whole winter is forgotten and you suddenly forgive the weather for all the snow, wind, and rain its brought. The only thing to worry about now is having enough sun screen.

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