Chandler Bing, the one with all the jokes. Mr. Funny Guy. Wrote a joke and it was published in Play Boy (we all know Ross isn't funny).
1. Chandler Bing, bringing self deprecation to a whole new level since 1994.
2. He's funny and he knows it.
Come on, get with it. If you think he's "blah" then we can't be friends.
3. He knows he's a handful.
4. He has a schedule and he sticks to it.
Don't we all wish we could live like that?
5. He knows he isn't the brightest.
Let' s be honest, that's a little bit impressive.6. His honesty.
And he knows his real skill set.7. He is king of sarcasm.
Especially when it comes to his nubbin. But what else is he going to do about it?
8. His recognition of his flaws and awkwardness.
9. His honesty sometimes knows no bounds.
We've all wanted to say that before.
10. He gets the real struggles.
We've all been there.