It is no secret that members of the Greek community are masters at networking and possess leadership qualities. Therefore, it is no surprise that many celebrities and famous leaders were in Greek life back in the day. Here are just a few of the many familiar faces you may not have known were Greek:
1. George W. Bush: Delta Kappa Epsilon
While Bush was by no means the first U.S. president to be a member of Greek life, he is the most recent. Both George W. Bush and his father, George H. W. Bush were brothers of Delta Kappa Epsilon. Other U.S. presidents in DKE include Rutherford B. Hayes, Theodore Roosevelt and Gerald Ford.
2. Carrie Underwood: Sigma Sigma Sigma
The famous "American Idol" singer was an Alpha Iota chapter Tri-Sigma at Northeastern State University.
3. Kate Spade: Kappa Kappa Gamma
The colorful and innovative designer, Kate Spade, also proudly represents her blue and blue roots as a Kappa at Arizona State University.
4. Steve Harvey: Omega Psi Phi
It is no surprise that the outgoing comedian and television host, Steve Harvey, was Greek as a brother of Omega Psi Phi.
5. Savannah Guthrie: Pi Beta Phi
This famous Today Show host was an Arizona Alpha member of Pi Beta Phi at the University of Arizona. She later went on to study at Georgetown Law.
6. Matthew McConaughey: Delta Tau Delta
The actor, known for his versatile roles in both romantic comedies and action films, was a brother of Delta Tau Delta at the University of Texas at Austin. "Alright, alright, alright."
7. Tory Burch: Kappa Alpha Theta
While at the University of Pennsylvania, designer Tory Burch was a proud Theta.
8. Alicia Keys: Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Although she left college to pursue her music career too soon to join Greek life, Alicia Keys was made an honorary member of AKA.
9. Harrison Ford: Sigma Nu
Who would have guessed that Indiana Jones was also a frat guy? Harrison Ford, also known for his role in Star Wars, was a Sigma Nu at Ripon College.
10. Angela Kinsey: Chi Omega
Angela Kinsey, best known for her role as Angela Martin in "The Office," proudly wore her Chi Omega letters at Baylor.
Know of any other celebrities that were in Greek life?