There are some things that only those who speak more than one language will find true.
1. You won't know every word.
Sometimes you want to say something to a relative that doesn't speak English, so you spend 10 minutes describing the word you're trying to say, only to end up playing a never-ending guessing game and eventually forgetting what it was you were getting at in the first place.
2. You switch between languages like a pro.
It's perfectly normal in your household to speak in another language and throw in some English here and there to spice things up or vice versa. You don't even give it a second thought.
3. Every language is a romance language.
Once in a while, you'll run into the individual that says, "I bet guys/girls love it when you speak to them in [insert your second language here]." This is actually true for the most part and doesn't annoy us.
4. People will try to relate to you.
When someone finds out you speak another language, they'll try to impress you by saying something along the lines of "Oh, I know how to say something in ____!" It's nice that they know something in your second language, but their ability to say one word or phrase in said language doesn't compare to your fluency in it. But deep down, you're proud of them.
5. Swearing is unavoidable.
Humans have loved swear words since they have been around, and knowing them in one language sometimes just isn't enough. People will go insane once they find out you speak another language and as a result, they'll ask you to tell them how to insult others. Whether or not you decide to share this piece of valuable piece of information is up to you.
6. Traveling is a breeze.
Want to visit another country over the summer? Speaking the language makes going and being there a piece of cake. Also, no one will be able to take advantage of you and charge you more assuming you're just another "ignorant American tourist." Well, joke's on them—you can understand every word they say. Who's the ignorant one now?
7. Not all jokes are going to be funny.
Jokes tend to get lost in translation. Something funny in one language and translated into another might not be all that funny. That's just the sad truth.
8. Everyone wants you to be their teacher.
Some individuals will want to learn how to say a few things in another language and ask you to teach them. If you agree to teach them a thing or two, you can: tell them the actual translation; or mess with them and teach them the wrong phrase purposefully. The choice is up to you, fellow bilinguals.
9. People will always think you're talking badly about them.
Occasionally, when you're hanging out with your friends, one of your parents will call and you'll start talking to them in another language. They'll ask you who you are hanging out with and since names don't translate, your friend(s) will hear something along the lines of "something something something (friend's name here) something something."
You can tell them over and over again that you only said that you were hanging out with them, but deep down they will still think you're talking badly about them. Nothing you can do.
10. People will always be amazed.
Speaking another language is hard, so be proud! For some reason, people will give you this look as if you have two heads whenever they hear you speak another language for the first time, especially if live in an area where not many others speak another language. Don't take it as a bad thing. You should be proud of your bilingual skills.