College is hard. It can often be discouraging and even downright lonely, but it doesn't have to be. The Bible can bring so much comfort to a disheartened college student. When things seem hopeless and confusing, God reminds us that we are not alone. I pray that these verses bring you hope and joy, knowing that God's perfect plan and infinite love and grace can easily overcome any hardship you may be facing.
1. Psalm 37:5
In college, we are all looking for our "path." We wonder where we should go, when in reality we must look to God, trusting Him with our journey, knowing that He will act in accordance with His good and perfect will.
2. Proverbs 3:5-6
Another reminder that we cannot depend on our own understanding for anything, but instead must trust in God's plan. We must seek His will above our own.
3. Romans 12:2
This is so important for college kids to hear. College is a good time to find your identity, making it all the easier to go along with what your peers are doing, which is not always the best course of action. Let us not conform to the college stereotype, but rather transform into men and women of God.
4. Romans 12:12
College can be full of troubles, but God says to be joyful, have faith, and never cease praying. It is important to remind ourselves of this.
5. John 16:33
This verse is my personal favorite. It is so encouraging to know that despite the trouble that this world brings, God reminds us that there is hope because He is bigger than the trouble.
6. Ephesians 2:19-22
In college, you may feel like you just blend into the crowd and this can be unbearably isolating. In addition, you can feel very insecure about your identity. When these thoughts enter our minds, we must remember our God who loves and takes care of us always. We can take refuge in Him as well as we find our identities as His children.
7. Matthew 28:20
How amazing is it that God will never leave our side? The fact that God is not only with us now, but will continue to stand by us no matter what life brings, is awe inspiring and oh so encouraging.
8. Isaiah 43:2
All of it, really -- God will not leave when you fail Chemistry, or when you get fired from your job, or when a loved one dies. God NEVER leaves. He is with us in the good times and the bad and will sustain us through all of it.
9. Matthew 5:16
This verse is especially important for students who go to non-Christian universities. God calls His children to spread the good news to the ends of the earth and to do so we need to live it. Our lives are a testimony to God and how we live in college can show our peers what God's presence in one's life looks like.
10. Esther 4:14
God has a plan and has placed you in your university for a reason. His plan for you continues even in college as it gets harder and harder to believe that He is leading you down a path for your betterment. Like Esther, however, we may have been placed in these difficult situations in order for us to grow and glorify God.
College is hard. While at times it may feel like God has forsaken you and life is too hard to bear, remember that He has a plan, He will never leave you, and you must use this opportunity to glorify Him.