Do you ever feel unloved? Do you ever feel worthless? Maybe you feel left out in your friend group or you wish you were in a relationship or maybe you just don't love yourself. These feelings, while common, are oh so discouraging and saddening. It is very easy to feel like no one loves you and it often leads to you hating yourself and feeling less than worthy. In these trying times, however, we must look to the one who is literally love himself. God is love. Not only that, but God loves us. He will always love us. He loves us when our friends abandon us, our boyfriends cheat on us, and when we sit alone bashing our own self-image. God loves us always and His love is always enough. No matter what, God will always love us. Here are some verses to remind us of His perfect love for us:
1. John 3:16
God loved us so much that He sent His son to die for us. While we hear this verse often, it is so important to remember how precious God's gift was and is still.
2. Romans 5:8
Not only did Christ die for us, but he died while we were sinners. Christ died while we hated Him and turned Him away. That is true love. Christ took all of our burdens on His shoulders so that we could have eternal life.
3. Psalm 136:26
God's love never stops. It endures forever. He is so good and loving to us and He will never change.
4. 1 John 4:7-8
Knowing that God loves us makes us love ourselves and others better. Being filled with the love of God gives us the ability to share that love with others.
5. Ephesians 2:4-5
God gives us eternal life. He loves us so much that he wants to live in eternity with us. He has saved us from hell and brought us to safety with Him.
6. 1 Peter 5:6-7
We can cast our problems, anxieties, and worries on God because He truly does care about us. In His infiniteness, He still cares about our small problems because He loves us.
7. Zephaniah 3:17
God takes delight in us. How beautiful is that? Not only that, but He can quiet us with His love and He rejoices over us.
8. 1 John 3:1
We are God's children. He calls us sons and daughters. He loves us better than a father and calls us His own.
9. Psalm 86:15
God is compassionate and gracious. Even when we sin, He still loves us and is patient with us.
10. Romans 8:37-39
God's love never fails. He will never give up on us. His love will never run out.
It is so important to remember our worth in the eyes of God. He loves us better than anyone on earth ever could, including ourselves. God's love is eternal and infinite and will never run out.