In today's day and age, joy is sparse. People are happy, they smile and they laugh, but it is exceedingly difficult to find a person with true joy. Joy differs from happiness in that it is deeper and more long lasting. Happiness can fade, but joy, joy from the Lord in particular allows for peace and contentment in all circumstances. To find this God-given joy, one must set their eyes on God alone, trusting Him with their lives and happiness. The best way to be in this constant communion with God is through reading the Bible. These are some verses that may help to increase your joy:
1. Galatians 5:22-23
Joy is one of the fruits of the spirit. It is a virtue that God counts as important as kindness and faithfulness.
2. Nehemiah 8:10
If all else was stripped away, the joy you have from God will never leave. The joy of having Jesus as your savior is everlasting and not swayed by the things of this world.
3. Romans 15:13
God has the power to fill us with joy. This joy not only brings us peace, but also an eternal hope.
4. Psalm 30:5
God promises that even in the darkness, joy is right around the corner. When things seem unjoyful, do not despair. Joy comes in the morning!
5. Psalm 16:11
God's presence alone can bring us joy and the hope of living with Him forever.
6. 1 Peter 1:6
Once again, we can rest in the hope that joy is ahead of us, even when we cannot see it.
7. Luke 2:10
Jesus' birth, life, death, and resurrection are the good news and the undeniable source of joy.
8. James 1:2
This verse is one of the hardest to fathom. Nevertheless, God calls us to have joy in the midst of persecution. Not only that, but to be joyful because of persecution as it is in His name and for His glory.
9. Psalm 100:1
Once we have joy, we are to reflect it back to God, praising Him for His blessings and creation.
10. Isaiah 12:3
God-given joy gives us hope of eternal life through the hope of salvation in Christ alone.