What I have learned about dating in college is that it can’t be forced. It seems as though girls are worried that they are single, and need to find someone so that they wont be alone or in their first relationship after the four years are up. Because of this sense of urgency, girls are turning to the internet and apps to meet boys.
Tinder is one of the most popular apps right now. It is commonly used to meet others for either a friendship, hookup, or finding a relationship, but there are so many better ways to meet a man!
Here are 10 better ways to find a man than on Tinder:
1. Go to the beach or to the pool!
If you go to a school like mine, the beach and the pool is where everyone spends their free time. Put yourself out there and sit next to a cute stranger or hop into a volleyball game with a group of new people!
2. Take advantage of the sporting events each school has to offer!
Go out to the football, soccer and baseball games! Talk to the people cheering beside you and maybe even some players on the team!
3. Allow a friend to try and set you up on a blind date!
Although many are apposed to this, the judgment of a good friend on whether a guy is right for you or sweet and kind is much better than having no prior knowledge on a guy you met through an app.
4. Join friends when they are going out to the bars.
Dress up for the night and go out with the girls! There are plenty of guys at those bars, too, in the same single positon as you. Have a conversation with those who are introduced and if there is something there, exchange numbers!
5. Join clubs and intramural sports!
Coed sports are a great way to get involved and meet hundreds of different people! Whether it's your team mate or your opponent, get to know the people playing on the field with you!
6. Don’t rule out your friendships!
Some of the best relationships sprout from friendships, I know this first hand. Sometimes the most unexpected friendship can grow to a new level if you allow it!
7. Be neighborly.
In college, whether in the dorms or in an apartment, there are people living all around you! Take the time to meet your neighbors and get to know them. You may not find your future husband this way, but you never know. The worst that can happen is you make some new friends instead!
8. Get to know your co-workers!
Many college students have jobs. Getting to know your fellow employees will make your work experience more fun and could possibly be what brings you and him together!
9. Meet your friends of friends!
What better way to meet people than through your friends? This way you know right off the bat they have some similarities as you since you have the same kind of friends.
10. Go on a date with a Stranger!
It may seem strange when someone asks you on a date the “old fashioned way,” but that is more respectable than doing it through tinder based off of your picture. Take a risk and say yes!
Hopefully these tips help on your quest for love! But put your phone down and try some other ways! Good luck!