1. Pumpkin Patches
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There's something so magical about pumpkin patches in the Fall. Now I'm not going all "It's the Great Pumpkin" on you, but I am pretty close.
2. Apple Picking
One tradition my boyfriend and I have started is going apple picking every Fall. There's nothing more satisfying than picking the kinds of apple you want right off the tree. AND then going back and making apple pie or apple cake and eating as many apples as you can stand because you accidentally bought the big bag.
3. Bonfires
Summer bonfires are nice, but it's even nicer when there is a chill in the air and the fire is necessary.
4. Breaks from College
Love school, don't love the work. Fall means Fall break and Thanksgiving break. I am thankful for both.
5. Big Sweaters
Come on, ladies, do I even need to explain?
6. Boots
Boots mean boot socks and happiness. They look cute and they're comfy. It's a win-win really.
7. Leaves Falling
The crisp smell in the air would not be complete without the crackling of leaves under your feet.
8. Candles
I love candles and they seem way more cozy in the fall.
9. Perfect Baking Weather
Oven in the summer vs. the fall? Fall always wins.
10. Cute Photo Opportunities
With all the pretty trees and apple orchards and pumpkin patches, the opportunities are endless and pretty.