10 Of The Best Local Restaurants To Eat At In West Palm Beach, Florida | The Odyssey Online
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10 Of The Best Local Restaurants To Eat At In West Palm Beach, Florida

Find out some of the hidden and not so hidden gems of West Palm Beach, Florida!

10 Of The Best Local Restaurants To Eat At In West Palm Beach, Florida
Brittany Leckrone

As a city full of mixed cultures, races, and art, West Palm Beach is chock-full of fun things to do with friends and family. As a very popular place to visit for college students, families, and especially the Northerners, you can find lots of adventure, and some of the best restaurants.

Here are 10 local restaurants that you need to try in Palm Beach County.

1. Good Vibes

Treat yourself to some of the BEST acai bowls in Palm Beach County. Never heard of an acai bowl? Well you are definitely in for a special, colorful and tasty treat! "Good Vibes" acai bowls contain the freshest fruit you can find, and the presentation of the bowl itself just goes to show the hard work that is put into making it. If you're a coffee lover like myself, you definitely will not want to pass up "Tara's Terrible Coffee" that even has coffee iced cubes in it. "Good Vibes" is the perfect name for this little local shop, because that is just what the owners give off!

2. The Blind Monk

Two words. Avocado toast.

Also, get the cold brew, you will not regret it.

But seriously, this place is on the top of my favorites list. Everything from the cute little menus, the light fixtures above the bar, and the quaint little tables adds to the aesthetic of the restaurant.

3. Subculture

If you're a fan of coconut, and even if you're not, you should definitely try the iced coconut chai tea latte because it may or may not be one of the best drinks ever invented. You really cannot go wrong with any drink you choose because they are all delicious. While you're there don't miss out on taking a selfie or picture with friends in front of the famous rainbow Einstein mural that gives away exactly where you are!

4. John G's

John G's is possibly the most well known and award-winning breakfast restaurant in Palm Beach County. Seriously you cannot go wrong with anything on their menu. Ask the locals who have lived in town for decades, and they'll tell you that before the location change the line to be seated wrapped out the door and into the street. If that doesn't scream "WE HAVE AMAZING FOOD!" then I really don't know what does...

5. Tulipan

Ever wonder which Cuban restaurant or bakery has the best café con leché and guava and cheese pastries? Well I have figured it out. Tulipan definitely has the freshest guava and cheese pastries, and the strongest café con leché. You don't want to miss out on this authentic experience!

6. Benny's On the Beach

What more could you ask for than good food and a great view of the beach? Benny's On the Beach offers both! Want to watch the sunrise and then grab a hearty breakfast? Then this is your place!

7. Jupiter Donut Factory

Some may say that donuts are not food, they're sweets, but once you have tasted Jupiter Donut Factory donuts, you'll find a newfound love for donuts. Jupiter Donut Factory makes the best donuts you will ever put in your mouth, with flavors that you would not ever think to concoct.

8. Ta-boo

Feelin' fancy? Stop by Ta-boo on Worth Avenue to "treat yo' self" to some of the best food on the island. After enjoying your food, stroll down world famous Worth Avenue to window shop and take in the view.

9. Old Key Lime House

What is Florida without fresh seafood? The lively atmosphere, beautiful view of the intercostal, and yummy food is hard to beat. The upbeat ambiance is unforgettable, as you dance the night away with live music and the ocean breeze.

10. La Sirena

If you're looking for some world class Italian, freshly made, La Sirena is the go-to. La Sirena may be on the fancy spectrum, but it is oh so good. It is only open during certain months, so don't miss out on an authentic Italian experience!

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