Joe Biden has easily become one of the most recognized men in America since he became Barack Obama’s Vice President when the pair won the 2008 election. But, perhaps Biden is just as famous for the memes that have circulated throughout the internet sphere during his time as Vice President.
So, in honor of Biden’s eight years in the White House here are 10 of the best Biden memes!
1. Point At 'Em
2. 2. Trump's Own Pence
3. The White House Curtains
4. Separation Anxiety
5. Eat Now, Pay..Never?
6. Chocolate Cows
7. Santa
8. Those Clocks
9. Nothing Beats Family
10. Food Over Everything
To be completely fair, though, Biden has done a nice job as Vice President--overcoming many struggles in his personal life and keeping America's prosperity at the front of his mind.
He started his Senate career by losing his wife and daughter in a car accident--later on, during his time as Vice President, he would lose his son to brain cancer.
Biden's ability to stay strong in the face of adversity is something we can all learn from and admire because so many of us lack those very skills that this man possesses.
Thank you Vice President Biden--for handling the past eight years with stoicism, grace, class and dignity.