As any college student understands, there are some moments while on campus that just can't compete with any other memories in your life. Being in college is said to be the best time of your life but these are the top 10:
1. Move-In Day
Whether it was an awesome day or not-so-awesome, "I wanna go home" day, it will be embedded in your memory for many years to come.
2. Seeing your family for the first time in weeks or even months.
The first time you walk in that door to the hoops and hollers of your family or the tail wagging and wet kisses of your best four-legged friend, it's a great feeling being home in your own bed again. You will never feel more relaxed than when you sit your toosh on that old family couch.
3. Your first Christmas break
It's like a month and a half long so you have time to get more rest than you've had since kindergarten and also the time to get really bored and ready to get back to Athens!
4. Walking around campus in the FallUGA is honestly one of the prettiest campuses to walk around on but there is no competition in the Fall. Vibrant trees, cool breeze, and pretty benches to sit on, no matter what side of campus you're on.
5. Getting your first real internship/job
We all know that internships are few and far between, so if you are able to lang one -- well that's reason for a family party as big as a quinceañera.
6. Getting a good grade on that test you pulled an all-nighter for - or frankly, any decent grade on anything
This is pretty much self-explanatory... Academics suck.
7. Hearing a loved one say they're proud of you
This can be so rewarding to us struggling college students - no matter what the reason. It is one of the greatest feelings in the world to know someone is proud of what you've accomplished.
8. Meeting your first college best friend
Although this can sometimes can take months or even years, you will appreciate this friendship more than anything else in college. Just be patient.
9. Living in your first house/apartment (with friends)
There is nothing like renting/leasing your own house or apartment for the first time in your adult life. Yes, it sucks to pay rent when you're beyond broke, but staying up all night in your own living room is worth the money spent.
10. Having those "I'm so happy with my life right now" feelings
When you're in the middle of making a memory and you just have to stop and smile to yourself, knowing that this is one of the best memories you'll ever make. Whether you're laughing so hard you can't breathe or crying your eyes alongside your heartbroken best friend, these are the moments you will never forget.