10 Best 2020-Themed Halloween Costumes | The Odyssey Online
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10 Best 2020-Themed Halloween Costumes

Halloween is definitely going to look different this year! In order to control the spread of Covid-19 in your community, it is recommended that you should celebrate Halloween with your immediate "pod" and keep gatherings no more than ~6 people. However, this does NOT mean that you can't dress up for fun and to take cute and funny instagram pics! Here are 10 2020 Themed Halloween costumes that will ensure that you rake in the insta likes!

10 Best 2020-Themed Halloween Costumes

​The Fly on Mike Pence's Head​


1. The only productive thing to come out of the presidential debates: the iconic fly that landed on Mike Pence's head. For this costume, dress in all black and buy a pair of bug-eyed glasses and a pair of insect wings.

Tiger King


2. I know it seems like years ago, but it was just in April that everyone and their mother was watching Tiger King. For this costume, you could make it a group costume and dress up as Joe Exotic, Carol Baskin, and a cute cuddly tiger. Or, just pick your favorite character!

Dr. Fauci


3. The Covid King himself, Dr. Fauci. For this costume, all you need is a lab coat, surgical mask, and "Fauci" nametag! You can dress it up or down depending on what you wear (or don't wear!) under the lab coat!



4. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is one of our only saving graces this year, and has even been referred to as Gen-Z's spokesperson. She is everything that the progessive, change-oriented members of Gen-Z look for in a leader: she's strong, confidently, smart, and a total badass. For this costume, straighten your hair in a middle part, rock a bold red lip, and wear a pantsuit to achieve the iconic AOC look.

Covid-19 Itself


5. Yup, we're going there. This costume is going to involve a bit of DIY-ing. You're going to need a white T-shirt and glue sparkly pom-poms all over it. This will give you the distinctive spiky germ look.

​Sourdough Bread Baker


6. Throwing it back again to the thick of quarantine, when everyone decided to make their own sourdough starter (does anyone still have theirs, by the way?). Throw on an apron and a chef hat and buy (or make!) a sourdough loaf to pose with. Bonus points for this costume because it's an excuse to eat yummy bread!



7. I'm sure everyone has seen the viral tiktok of user @doggface208 skating down the freeway with the bottle of Ocean Spray Cranberry Juice and jamming to Fleetwood Mac. In order to capture these much needed vibes, throw on a white tee shirt, and grab a bottle of cranberry juice and a skateboard. Maximum vibes if you carry around a speaker playing Dreams by Fleetwood Mac!

Harry Styles from his Watermelon Sugar video


8. The Watermelon Sugar music video features Harry wearing an orange and green sweater vest and big blue-lense sunglasses. Add some beaded necklaces and grab a juicy watermelon as well to achieve Harry's iconic look!

Escape From This Year!


9. If you're looking for a temporary escape from 2020, dress up as a different decade! My personal go-to is throwing on my old Juicy Couture tracksuit and channelling my inner 2000's diva.

​Crowd pleasing Basic Costumes


10. Of course, it wouldn't be Halloween without your basic costumes. In this category can find the devil/angel combo, a witch, a mouse (duh!), a vampire, and other costumes along those lines. While they're common, it's easy to put your own spin on it and make it unique and super cute!

Whatever your Halloween plans may be, remember to stay safe and have fun!

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