10 Artists That Slayed The Music Scene In 2017 | The Odyssey Online
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10 Artists That Slayed The Music Scene In 2017

"When words fail, music speaks" - Shakespeare

10 Artists That Slayed The Music Scene In 2017
Thomas Rhett / Instagram

2017 was a busy year for all of us, including our favorite music artists. There may have been some struggles along the way, but these artists didn't let that slow them down one bit.

Take a look at the top ten artists that slayed 2017!

1. Kesha

Need I say more? Kesha dominated this year with her big return to music with her new album "Rainbow." Hit singles "Praying" and "Learn to Let Go" are just a few of the songs earning their way on the charts. Kesha, who has gone through a lot with her sexual assault case with Dr. Luke, is no longer silent and is back and better than ever. 2018 is going to be even more amazing since Kesha is nominated for two Grammys, including Best Pop vocal album and Best Pop vocal performance. Your animals are thrilled to have you back!

2. Fifth Harmony

Anyone who knows me knows how much I adore Fifth Harmony so when I heard that Camilla Cabeo was departing the group, I was sad. Nevertheless, the group has risen and is stronger than ever. They released their third self-titled album back in August and have been unstoppable. As a Harmonizer, I'm excited to see where 2018 takes this fabulous four, and I'm still waiting for my mic.

3. Bruno Mars

Need I say more? Bruno is a legend who can sing and dance while playing the guitar. He's had a huge year with the success of his 24K Magic tour and winning several accolades for his latest album including the American Music Award for Favorite Male Pop/Rock Artist. Mars shows no signs of slowing down.

4. Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift has had an amazing year, starting off with confronting her sexual assaulter and talking about the experience that changed her life. Swift then released her sixth studio "Reputation" in November with hits such as "Look What You Made Me Do" and "Ready For It." She's ending the year on a high note as she made the cover of "TIME Magazine" for their Person of the Year issue. 2018 will be nothing short of success as Taylor embarks on her Reputation tour.

5. Ed Sheeran

Sheeran slayed 2017 with his return to music releasing his hit album "Divide," which had two hit singles "Shape of You" and "Castle on the Hill," both of which broke records with online streaming service Spotify. Sheeran is now enjoying life on the road touring, and while he did not get nominated for a Grammy this year, he is nominated in our hearts for his quirkiness and beautiful music.

6. Logic

Logic had a great year with his hit song "1-800-273-8255" ft. Alessia Cara going from number five to number three on the Billboard Hot 100 Chart. The song tackles the controversial subject of suicide and mental illness. This song is brave, honest and it's amazing to have a rapper touching on subjects such as this. The hit song is now nominated for a Grammy in the category for Song of the year.

7. Demi Lovato

Demi slayed in 2017 with the release of her new album "Tell Me You Love Me" and her summer hit "Sorry Not Sorry." I'm definitely not sorry about how amazing Lovato is with her music, her openness and strength. In her documentary "Simply Complicated," she discusses her battle with mental illness, bullying and the pressures of being famous. The documentary really makes you have a lot of respect for Lovato who is living her truth and isn't afraid to share that with the world. She's kicking off 2018 with her latest tour with rapper DJ Khaled.

8. Ariana Grande

Pop Princess Ariana Grande slayed 2017, from touring the world on her "Dangerous Woman Tour" which earned 71 million dollars. Grande also arranged a benefit concert for those affected by the shooting that took place at her concert in Machester back in June. The concert raised a total of 13 million dollars. While Grande has certainly been quiet over the last few months, she has hinted at some new music in 2018.

9. Thomas Rhett

Country superstar Thomas Rhett kicked off the year with his third album "Life Changes," which ended up being Country music's first number one album in 2017. The album focuses on the journey to marrying and starting a life with his wife Lauren and their two children. Rhett slays because he's a country boy who has no shame for showing the sincere love he has for his family, and that's amazing. He is nominated for a Grammy Award for Best Country Album.

10. Cardi B

Two words "Bodak Yellow." Rising artist Cardi B had a fantastic year, dominating the charts with her hit single "Bodak Yellow" which stayed on the Billboard Hot 100 chart for three weeks. Cardi also took home two BET Awards, got engaged to rapper Offset and is now nominated for two Grammy Awards, including "Best Rap Performance" and "Best Rap Song." You can say that Cardi B is living her dream right now and I can't wait to see what records she breaks in 2018!

Music is the one thing that makes you feel good when the rest of the world seems to be falling apart. 2017 was definitely a good year for music, and I can't wait to see who slays in 2018!

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