1. Instagram. Because everyone really wants to know what we're doing every day and every night ... do it for the likes.
2. A photo editing app. Because, let's be real, sometimes you like to enhance the picture (with filters, teeth-whitening, airbrushing, etc.) before posting your picture for all to see on Instagram.
3. A collage app. For making a collage of your best friend on his or her birthday, filled with both cute and embarrassing photos you've taken during the course of your friendship.
4. Twitter. Because, similarly to Instagram, everyone is dying to know all our inner thoughts, opinions and favorite Taylor Swift breakup quotes that run through our minds 24/7. Plus, we use favorites to subtly flirt with that one guy we're too scared to text. (Same goes for Instagram and Facebook defaults).
5. GroupMe. The group messaging app that allows you to talk to high school friends and a multitude of different college friends all at once, while allowing you to shut off notifications when you need a break from the constant chatter.
6. Facebook. Because it is VITAL to be able to log on any time, any place and untag that one photo your friend put up of you where you look less than spectacular ... b*tch.
7. Snapchat. The app that allows us to send ugly pictures to our friends without judgement, and pretty pictures with filters to the guys we like, all while allowing us to post a "My Story" for all our friends to see so we can keep them constantly updated on where we are and who we're with, and, of course, what song just came on at the party that we must belt out for our friends to listen to.
8. Timehop. The reminiscing app that allows you to see past pictures, posts and Tweets, which leads to reflecting on old and embarrassing memories from middle school, making you thankful for all the friends that stuck with you through those tough and awkward years.
9. Tinder. Because apparently, we all need to online-date, even though we're in our late teens or early 20s ...
10. Trivia Crack. Because this trivia game is too addicting, and you end up spending hours playing, while convincing yourself that since it's worldly trivia, you're actually doing something intellectual ...