Sometimes we have bad days; sometimes we have good days. Some days are a rollercoaster of emotions that make you wonder why you ever tried doing anything, ever. Yet, all of us are suffering or gaining from different situations. I recognize that the following list is one of First World problems. There are far too many people who do not have the opportunities or the tools to live the same lifestyle a lot of us can enjoy. We should always be thankful for the privileges we get that some may never receive. Never the less, there are things in this world that currently annoy the s**t out of me; as I'm sure it annoys the s**t out of others too. Undoubtedly, these are some of the most annoying thing out there:
1. Über drivers that ask you for directions to where you're going.
Über drivers literally (I'm using this word correctly) have a GPS system programmed into the App. Please do not ask me where I am going; there are directions... follow them. AND NO STARS FOR GLEN COCO.
2. Automated customer service.
Look robots are cool and all but not when you're trying to find out what's wrong with your Cable.
3. The chip/swipe checkout horror.

I'm okay with having more security, but please get your s**t together. We're tired of looking like idiots at the register.
4. NC-17 P.D.A. (Public Displays Of Affection)
We get it, you guys really love each other. Please, go and love each other in a room and not next to that five year old that's at a very vulnerable stage in her life. I know she's not you're problem but, to be honest, the rest of us are really grossed out watching you shove your tongue down your girlfriend's throat.
5. Public bathrooms with no hand soap.
The experience was already gross and now it's worse. Remember to grab some hand sanitizer when you're leaving the gas station.
6. The mysteriously missing socks from the laundry room.
"I know I put five pairs in there. Why do I have three pairs and only two other socks with different patterns?"
7. People that wait until they get to the front of the line to decide what they want.
Could you please wait by the side so the colossal line of patrons you've created with you're indecision can go on with their lives?
8. Company commercials that have famous artists cover their slogans with a song.
I really don't care how Rachel Platten tunes it; you're an Insurance Company, you can't fool me with her smooth voice.
9. Hovering.
Why are you still standing over me? The conversation is over. Let's part our separate ways now and enjoy our personal space.
10. The teacher's pet.
Now that classes are starting this one especially vexes me. I'm glad you know a lot and you want to have a special relationship with the professor. Please, save it for after class; the rest of us don't care and we're just trying to get through the day. Oh, and to to the one's that remind the teacher about our homework even though they hadn't asked for it - you suck the most.