College is hard and can be very difficult sometimes. Eventually, we all get fed up and annoyed. Here are 10 things that annoy every college student:
1. Cumulative Exams
We all dread the end of semester exams. It's either the last chance to raise that grade to the next level (which, lets be honest never happens) or the knock your A- down to a B+. Cumulative semester exams are almost impossible to get A's on because it is simply too much information.
2. Registration
Registration day consists of waking up at 6 a.m just to not get into any of the classes you need. It's disappointing and annoying and no college student likes it.
3. Bad Teachers
It is a known fact that the professors you choose are what determine how the semester will go and the grade you'll receive. Unfortunately, more often than not, professors are out to ruin our lives.
4. Parking
Parking on or anywhere near a college campus is a pain. Students are an easy target for parking tickets and officers take full advantage.
5. Kids who don’t shut up in class
Don’t be the kid who never shuts up… nobody likes that kid.
6. Group projects
You would think group projects would be at their peak in middle school, but in reality we do more group projects than anyone.
7. Classes at 8am
We have all experienced the dreadful early morning classes. Waking up before 8:30 should never have to happen in my book. Unfortunately, it seems the class you desperately need is only available as early as possible.
8. When rate my professor lies is basically the bible for college students. It is the best way to figure out which professors are insanely hard or over the top and those who are not. Every now and then the ratings do not match with your feelings toward a professor and class.
9. Exams on the same day
Having two exams in the same week is rough, but when two exams fall on the same day…impossible.
College is extremely expensive and schools make you pay for everything… even scantrons. As if we won't be in enough debt already by the time we graduate.
Eight A.M. classes should disappear along with bad professors. Registration should be later and things should cost less. That's what I think, but ask any student and I'd bet they would agree!