Most College students don't study at a school based in a busy city; usually because of how expensive it can be, how dangerous it can be, and how living is inconvenient. Besides the three negative reason, students in city locations have the most advantages, and the most fun. a small percentage of us attend schools in New York City, Los Angeles, and Miami. New York City is known to be the best city in the country, and i can give 11 reasons why. The perspective of New York City student is different then any other New Yorker. We see things more practically, have more responsibilities then the average college student, and yet still know how to make it worth the experience.
1. The city is your campus.
How could you not make the best of it? Living in the best city in the world, there are endless resources and opportunities. The world is literally at the palm of your hand.
2. “Small private college”
Is it really though? Everyone knows everyone in class, but outside school it’s a whole different crowd. It’s the best of both worlds.
3. You never have to worry about bumping into someone.
Everyone hates running into people they know, especially when they are in a rush to get to class. Once you leave the school buildings, it's impossible to find someone or have an accidentally “bump in.”
4. Street meat is a real thing.
I know it doesn’t sound so appealing, but to a NYC hungry student it does. Need something quick, convenient and hot? The cart is right on the corner. Street meat is our cafeteria.
5. You walk fast… but like everywhere.
In the halls and up the stairs, students in NYC never seem to stop with the fast-paced trend.
6. You quickly adapt.
Whether you’re a native or not, New Yorkers never fail to welcome you to the lifestyle with closed arms and no smiles.
7. People are forever jealous you go to school in NYC.
It’s just another day for me.
8. The city motivates you.
The fast-paced lifestyle, business suits and all. The common trend on Madison Ave is getting sh*t done. Feeding off of peoples energy off the subway rides in the morning to feeding off of rush hour at the end of the day, never makes you feel exhausted but instead excited.
9. The subway.
No such thing as a DD in a New York City. Number one use for convenience and transportation.
10. Workaholic!
You will always have excellent work ethic. Whether you are a New Yorker or a city student, the environment around you inspires you.
11. The "New Yorker" attitude
Saved the best for last, its apart of the package as you adapt the city. You all of a sudden become afraid of nothing or anyone. You dont hold back your words as much as you use to.