The Women's March on Washington was historic--the largest simultaneous march in US history, a galvanizing day that showed solidarity around the world. Women and men from all seven continents united in the fight for equality, peace, and justice for all citizens of the world. Now that the march is over, you may be asking yourself--what next? If you participated in the march, or saw it and were inspired, you may be wondering what the next step is in opposing the agenda being put forth by President Trump and his cabinet. Here are ten steps you can take to continue to fight back against bigotry and oppression, and strive for a better America, and a better world.
1. Call your representatives.
Contact your Congressmen and Senators, and let them know what matters to you. You are their constituents, and it is their job to listen to your concerns and represent you. Angry about the repeal of the ACA? Defunding of Planned Parenthood? Relations with Russia? Betsy DeVos? Call them. Make your concerns known.
2. Join the 10 Actions/100 Days movement.
The Women's March was just the beginning. These are ten actions that can be taken over Trump's first 100 days in office to keep the administration in line.
3. Support Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, and other groups.
Donating money is a great place to start, but these groups also need volunteers on the ground helping with day-to-day activities. If you can, try to get involved in your local chapters. It's a great way to meet and connect with other people passionate about the same things you are, while making a difference at the same time.
4. Get informed, and know your rights.
The first step to defending civil liberties is to know what they are. In order to defend your right to vote, your right to speak out, your right to peacefully protest, you need to understand where these rights come from. The ACLU and other groups are there to get you up to speed, and reading the actual Constitution itself takes surprisingly little time.
5. Start working towards the midterm elections in 2018.
6. Run for office, and/or encourage others to do so.
Be the change you want to see. Tired of corrupt politicians making decisions that baffle and horrify you? Become a politician yourself and make smart, realistic decisions that accurately represent the interests of your constituents.
7. Support quality journalism.
With the rise of fake news sources, keeping informed is more important than ever. The NYT, Washington Post, and Wall Street Journal are all great places to start, along with others such as Politico and the LATimes. President Trump is attacking the media--it's time to stand with them and support quality journalism and true facts. It's time to debunk this notion of "alternate facts" (more like alternate reality).
8. Reach out to those in your life, regardless of their political affiliation.
This is not a time to stay behind party lines. Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Green Party--we all must work together to insure that the US remains a beacon of hope, a truly democratic and free country for all of its citizens.
9. Remain peaceful.
Resorting to violence will only invite more violence in return, which is the last thing this country needs right now. As tough as it may be, and as much as you may want to run around lighting things on fire, restrain yourself. True change must be achieved through peaceful means.
10. Remain focused.
Don't lose hope. Four years may seem like a long time, but by staying focused and dedicated to whatever cause inspires you, you can make it through. We all can.