10 2000s Fashion Trends I Wish I Could Forget About | The Odyssey Online
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10 2000s Fashion Trends I Wish I Could Forget About

Hollister, Juicy, and denim OH MY!

10 2000s Fashion Trends I Wish I Could Forget About
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The 2000s were a time of some interesting fashion choices. Having grown up in this decade, I can vouch for that firsthand.

And yes, I am guilty as charged for many of these trends.

Since there are too many terrible fashion trends to list, I picked the top 10 that I am most guilty of...

1.) Abercrombie & Fitch and/or Hollister clothing.

I distinctly remember a fellow student in middle school who would only wear clothing from Abercrombie or Hollister. (He was also a total d-bag). If you were wearing something from either of these two stores you were the coolest kid in school that day. That is, if you could fit into their sizes of extra small, extra extra small, anorexic, bulimic and malnourished.

2.) Studded belts.

I had this exact same studded belt. I am currently cringing at the memory of middle school me wearing it with canary yellow pants and a black t-shirt and thinking I was so trendy by mixing the colors.

3.) That one Louis Vuitton bag that everyone wanted.

Only celebrities and spoiled rich kids had the real thing. The awkward elementary/middle school you most likely had a cheap knock-off from Target.

4.) Low-rise (and sometimes pastel-colored) jeans.

I remember a time when the only jeans available were low-rise and my whole butt would practically hang out. I had to wear a belt to keep said booty in said low-rise jeans. And yes, it was the black and pink studded one.

5.) Ed Hardy clothing.

No disrespect to Christian Audigier, may he rest in peace. But seriously, I never was into the whole skulls and dragons scene. Frankly I always thought that these clothes looked like bad tattoo designs on shirt. Although I do own two Ed Hardy coffee mugs, so I guess I can't say too much.

6.) Juicy Couture tracksuits (Especially ones that said the word "juicy" across the behind).

Juicy used to be an affordable clothing line that made tracksuits for pregnant women. Over the years, however, the tracksuits spiked in price to like $100 for the jacket alone- and even more money if you wanted a design on them. But I do have to admit, the eggplant colored one I had was ridiculously comfortable and made my butt look good.

7.) Denim everything.

I had a denim jacket with a giant portrait of a pissed-off looking Tinkerbell on the back of it that I got from the Disney store. But I'm honestly not even mad about that. I love Tinkerbell.

8.) Accessories with your initials on them.

I had a blue purse with a giant purple "C" in the middle in addition to a white and pink initial wallet. Now that I think about it, I'm not sure why having initial everything was so cool. Although I shouldn't really say too much, a "C" key chain is currently clipped to my purse.

9.) Those charm bracelets every elementary school girl wanted.

Yep, I had one of these too. I felt like one of the popular girls in elementary school once I had one. And to answer your question, yes, it had my initial on it. I even had a cute little smiley-face hanging charm. Now that I think about it, I think it's still sitting in my jewelry box. It might even still fit. Let's do a trend revival, ladies!

10.) Turtleneck sweaters.

These aptly named spawns of Satan were the most unflattering, itchy, and annoying pieces of clothing to ever be designed. Yet, my mother thought I looked adorable in them and so I wore them while smiling on the outside and suffering on the inside.

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