1 day, my friends! Less than 32 hours until the polls begin to open. Political tension is being felt across college campuses, down the streets of cities and counties, and on computer screens scrolling through Facebook timelines. Having returned home to vote, the political tension is smelling up and swelling up the streets of the nation's capital, Washington D.C. A couple days ago, a friend asked me, "What will America talk about once the election is over?" Well America, what will we talk about Wednesday morning? Wednesday morning, after the votes have been counted (and perhaps recounted), babies have been kissed, hands have been shaken, rallies have been packed, secrets have been released, and words have been said (that may have been better left unsaid), what will we have left to say? If I had a nickel for every time I heard the phrase, "choosing the lesser of two evils" this weekend, I'd absolutely be a millionaire. Before you stop reading this post, because you're probably as tired as I am of reading people's social media arguments and seeing relationships be ruined, and media swaying readers into voting for a certain candidate, that is not my goal. While we must remember, the media is just doing their job during election season, it's nice to read an unbiased article here and there. One of my favorite articles I've read these last couple months is a piece written by best-selling Christian author and writer Max Lucado; My Prediction for November 9. In the op-ed, Lucado says " I know exactly what November 9 will bring. Another day of God’s perfect sovereignty." If I've forgotten anything these last few weeks, it'd be that God has it all under control. Of course, and I hope that we all have our own opinions and decisions when it comes to Decision 2016, but God already knows who's going to win! He knew long before the primaries who was going to run for the nomination! This may be hard to believe given our flawed choices, but the winner is in God's will. Last Wednesday, Liberty University, had the pleasure of hosting Pastor Levi Lusko. Speaking at the school's campus church, Pastor Levi spoke on the responsibilities of leadership and dealing with difficulties with authority, while giving us a reminder of the ultimate leader. "You can't lead if you can't be led," Lusko said. Continuing by saying, "I am a man of authority and a man under authority." I can't think of a more timely message. Let this be a message to the presidential candidates; remember or learn to allow yourself to be led by your faith before diving into leading our country. What a crucial time in history to be careful. I saw a Hilary Clinton commercial today warning Trump that one wrong move could ruin our country, but I don't hesitate to warn her of her own heeding. I think many of us realize that both candidates are capable of making mistakes, but those mistakes are increasingly likely without our nation's leaders seeking guidance from God first and foremost. Even as I continue to climb the career ladder, as soon as I forget who's authority I am ultimately under, my position of authority will be taken away- guaranteed! It is such a shame seeing relationships crumble, because of political preference. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, so why burn a bridge because of your failure to agree to disagree? THIS was not God's intention. He isn't sitting up in heaven cheering this treatment on. I ran into a Facebook post tonight that boldly and inappropriately called out an individual who had previously made his voting decision known. The post's author chose not to respect the other guy's opinion and was even accused in comments of cyber bullying. Although, some are at different levels of maturity, respect shouldn't be a matter of maturity, but instead common courtesy and virtue. Wednesday, November 9th, what will come of friendships lost? Will you still be proud of shots fired? Luke 11:17 reads, "But he, knowing their thoughts, said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and a divided household falls." A bible verse that really stuck out to me was, "Whoever says he is in the light and hates his brother is still in darkness," (1 John 2:9). Yikes! It is one thing to inform and persuade someone of various views, but another to blatantly disrespect where your opinion is not due.
Dear America,
Your citizens are scared, but hopeful. Your citizens are angry, but eager. We are independent, but still very much depending on worldly leadership, as well as that of religion.
America- should we Google conversation starters?
What will we talk about after the election?