Patch 7.24 is more or less the first patch since preseason started, and it is coming with a lot of number changes for many champions.
I want to focus first on what I see as the most impactful changes for the champions.
Bard's health regen increase and Meed damage increases are somewhat minute, but I think Bard really needs it right now in support meta.
Ezreal's Q ratio decrease from 1.25 to 1.1 seems very little, but I think this change will really help balance him out because he was doing way too much damage.
The changes on Galio's W and the slight decrease in his E cooldown I think are really good for him. By making his W doing damage to champions (and a good amount (20/30/40/50/60 (+0.2 ability power) - 60/90/120/150/180 (+0.6 ability power) ) and E cooldown SLIGHTLY lower, it makes him more mobile and bursty which can help his 1 v 1 top lane and in team fights.
Ivern's passive health cost will allow him to clear a ton faster and safer, which in the meta of aggressive jungles may not help a ton, I think it really could help him get in a stronger place for the future meta.
Malzahar: The nerf on his ult is huge, cutting the base damage and the ratio really hurts him and his level 6 power spike. While he was incredibly strong, I think this nerf is really too rough on him and unneeded.
Morgana HYPE, not only is her jungle clear strong as heck, I am happy she is being touched and updated a little because she is a little boring, to say the least. They did have to hot-fix her, and uh cut her power a lot sadly. Her healing was at 40% of damage at max level, now its max is 20% so that hurt her late game team fights a lot. And I am uncertain about her W cooldown going up, while she builds cooldown I think for a champion with 2 abilities, upping that really hurts her and her early game.
The Sona nerfs really my heart, for a champion with such a low mana pool the 15 mana increase on her Q as well as the base damage down, it hurts her early game a ton. While her Q ratio was increased, these changes hurt her damage output a good amount and will definitely affect her in lane.
Zoe: Fixed a ton of bugs which help her and others to actually play the game properly. By cutting 20 seconds from how long she can hold the spells dropped by minions it really cuts down her ridiculous power in using spell after spell all the time. And the E nerf is good in cutting her power down from bursting champions from across the map.
A lot of changes for Zyra, what I see as most important are the base mana regen, cutting away from passive health for plants from W, damage increase in E, and in general making plants weaker. I think if I understand the changes right, she is a lot less strong and her plant placement is a ton more important for her to do both damage and be relevant at all.
Some minor changes in my thoughts include
Aurelion Sol : Eh, cooldown on ult is nice but nothing really comes from this.
Camille: Increase in length of her shield and time to activate Q is just nothing.
Darius: A LOT of just minor damage increases with his passive which will help his damage output and poking down in lane, but won't make him anything of importance.
Eve: Some nice tweaks to clean up her gameplay, nice for the player but not important for Eve.
Jarven: Nerfs on his passive and his E will cut his damage a little, but in reality, he is still super strong in clearing jungle and in team fights. The passive nerf is more serious, but he is still healthy.
Karthus: Uh his ultimate ratio he is so much better, top three midlaner. Karthus is a trash champion and his ult change is really nothing for meta. It makes him better late game though and I believe if he survives midgame, he is substantially stronger.
Leona: W damage decrease is good in cutting down her mad damage, but her cc and damage are still mad good.
Maokai: Q damage decrease sucks for him, he still is in a pretty good place. I am a little surprised about the nerf though, he seemed in a somewhat good place.
Ornn: Minor nerf on W, still strong.
Riven: Some nice Q damages increases, still in an unreliable spot and more skill based like Zed.
Shen: Bonus damage down on his Q, which hurts his waveclear prior to Tiamat, but still strong.
Taric: Small armor decrease, nothing serious.
Xin: Small damage decrease with his W, still really strong.
Yorick: Small base damage decrease, still mad strong.