As expected with the preseason, a lot of changes come. I don't know if its just me but there is so much to take in this preseason. Like a ton, especially with the changes to the whole rune system
In terms of the rune system, I like the changes in how it forces players to determine what is the most efficient, and while I like how it complicates and adds something new to the rune system, it's incredibly intimidating and too complex for new and probably old players.
I have been trying to read all of it and understand it, but it's so dense and just a lot to be honest.
One really could spend hours on hours figuring out the best runes for a specific champion and I don't recommend players spend that time on the system. I say wait for more players to experiment and see what both works best and gives best stats and then copy them. As well as just try some stuff with champions and see what works for you. To figure out the efficiency and numbers game involved is truly not worth it in my opinion.
With the changes, I am so excited to see this changes
"So we're pumping a lot of base stats directly back into the champions themselves. For the most part, this means Health, Armor, or Attack Damage"
Thank god Riot is doing this, it allows for more variation in runes and agency to players to do what they want with runes while still being able to last hit minions and survive lane.
Beyond runes and basic stats, I like the changes in jungle to help carry junglers like Hec and Rengar back into the meta to push back the ADC heavy meta we are in still.
I think the "stopwatch" item is interesting, a one-time use of hourglass until you have enough money for it is really cool. It really helps mid-lane not snowball until major items are hit and power spikes start in mid-game and prep for a more even playing field in mid-game team fights.
There is a lot more with jungle XP, changes in the client with blue essence/level cap/longer champion select and more. But it's all sorts of just aesthetics or randomness which I don't see importance of diving into. XP is important but its not a huge deal I think, I need to do more in-depth analyzing to see how it will effect early game jungling.