With Pitch 7.21 being the last patch before the preseason patch, I expected the match to be small and not too relevant. And I was sort of right, except for one thing.
Passive - Z-Drive Resonance
!!! JUNGLE Ekko is back
Ekko was and will forever be one of my favorite champions in the game, and since his fall I have been broken. With this buff, his jungle clear should be so much better and help him transition from early game to mid game.
I was surprised by the very VERY small nerf on Azir, I didn't think he was in a state that needed a nerf.
The Galio changes are something I am actually a huge fan of, while I like new Galio I will forever miss old Galio. And with the numbers being changed and making him more AP reliant on doing damage I am excited to see how he is played.
I think he is actually not reliant on AP to do damage but I think he could be more useful being more AP based (especially mid lane).
Rip Rammus being immune to both AD and AP, the cuts to his Magic Resist bonus is actually huge. While he is fine in jungle clear this makes him a ton more susceptible to magic damage against mid laners and the enemy jungler.
Interesting changes on Sejuani, while her base stats are down her passive armor is up, so like Rammus she is more susceptible to magic damage but her midgame is better in terms of her passive cooldown. But the E nerf is huge, the damage on the freeze got cut in half at every rank.
Udyr changes... who cares. No one is ever going to play that champion unless they want to open the gates (and then lose). And the Urgot changes are good for leveling him out, I think the speed up on his ult will help him a ton.
And finally...what we all have been waiting for...
ATTACK SPEED BUFF20-35%⇒10-30%
ARDENT CENSER nerfs!!!!! Thank god
I am really excited for the rest of this season, you will see me spamming Ekko jungle for sure. Also SKTWIN