Teachers give the greatest gift imaginable: knowledge. I have made the decision to dedicate my life to giving kids that gift. I didn't make that decision overnight. That was thanks to years of inspirational teachers putting effort into my education. Seeing their commitment to the students and the impact they have made me want to do the same. I know what a crucial part they played in my life and I owe all the thanks to the things they taught me.
1. Teaching Is One Of The Hardest, But Most Rewarding Professions.
I had one teacher tell me that I was too good to be a teacher. That I could do something better. But that did not change the fact that teaching was already my passion. This teacher was one of my biggest supporters and I wanted to return the favor to someone else.
2. Teaching Can Inspire Change.
If it weren’t for the teachers I had in my life at a young age, I would not have wanted to teach. But in the 7th grade, I had a teacher who saw something in my that I did not see in myself. She brought that out of me and I still consider her one of the best educators I’ve been blessed to have.
3. The Best Things In Life Aren't Material.
As I peer tutored this year, it would make my day when I walked into class and my kids would greet me with a smile and a compliment. They were little and did not understand how good they made me feel. But teachers are not in the field for the material gains, they do it for how it makes them feel.
4. Hard Work Pays Off.
Teachers spend mornings, nights and weekends at school with no chance of overtime or extra payment. They do this for the sole purpose of helping their students. This is such a selfless act that they have devoted themselves to aiding in the development of the next generation.
5. Attitude Is Directly Related To Circumstance.
I knew whenever I walked into my classroom if my teacher was having a good day or not. Some of my teachers would allow their bad day to alter the class's atmosphere, but the best teachers would power through it. No matter what they were going through, the would put it on hold for the sake of the students.
6. Sometimes You Have To Step Up And Be A Leader.
If a teacher does not assert their authority, students are vicious and will take advantage of them. The teacher has to step up and be a role model for what they expect from the students. Respect should be earned, never given.
7. The Easy Decision Is Not Always The Right One.
Everyone looks for corners to cut, but the results are never as good. Teachers have to look at students who could be going through a tough time and find a way to help. They cannot be lazy and decide to ignore problems just because it would be easy.
8. There Is No Shame In Showing Emotions.
I'm one to cry at those videos that pop up on my Facebook feed or when other people cry. Teachers told me that I don't have to be strong all the time. Even the strongest people have their moments of weakness.
9. Sometimes You Have To Let Go Of A Situation.
There are some situations that you have to accept that you can't change. There is nothing you can do. No matter how hard you try, humans have free will and make their own decisions. As a teacher, they watch their students make choices that might not be the best, but it is what it is.
10. The Best Things Come When You Least Expect Them.
You never know when you are in the best years of your life. You might never know that the people who come into your life will leave such a lasting impact. Teachers get to watch kids grow into the people they are destined to be. They get to be a crucial part of who they become and that is a pretty great thing.