So you start your college journey by completing high school. You go through all the necessary classes, say goodbye to all your friends, and begin your journey from a kid to a functional adult. You apply for a college, submit your transcript, you do the works.
Maybe you pick a college close to your hometown where it's easy for you to commute. Maybe you attend a college farther away so you can have a taste of living on your own. Hell, maybe you're feeling frisky and you go to college out of state or country.
We all go to college for different reasons. Some view it as an investment in their future. Others go for fun or personal achievement. A few people go to brag and flex their degree.
No matter where we go to college or your personal reasons for doing so, one thing is universal for all of us. We need to pick a major area of study.
Some people have it simple and know their passion and direction in life so they settle on a major easily. Others, like me, have absolutely no fucking idea what to major in.
The struggle of picking a major is perhaps the hardest decision you'll have to make in your early college career. There are so many majors and minors, it hard to just to settle on a few. At least for me, it was because I have such a broad interest in everything, I wanna learn about it all.
The decision is even harder for me knowing my entire future rests on my choice. I know my major will dictate what skillsets I acquire and the knowledge I gather which will determine where I'm qualified to work for. The fact that college isn't cheap adds to daunting the pressure.
Yet, all things considered, it's important to remember you can change your major at any time. If for whatever reason you want to switch it is completely doable no matter what stage of your college career you're in. You're future rests in your hands and you take it anywhere you want at any point, as long as you put in the hard work to make it a reality.
My boyfriend switched his major three times before settling on Sociology. I know another person who declared their major right away and never changed it.
It's important to remember college isn't a competition and you will succeed at your own pace. You will find the major that suits you in due time.
However, I'm personally glad that I recently transitioned from an exploratory student into a Sustainability Major with a Sociology Minor. I still haven't completely decided on the minors I want, as I'm still debating on Biology and Psychology. Yet I have the general idea of what direction I want to go in, and hopefully, through my classes, I'll gain more clarity and direction on what to do with my degree. Hopefully so will you too.
If you're still torn on what to major on, its a good idea to write down you're top three priorities. For me, it was a high employment rate upon graduation, interest, and new skill set. The professor I talked to said the geography department majors have a high employment rate upon graduation at our school. I'm very interested in the environment and the societal aspects, and I'm learning something I've never previously given much thought. Knowing these three things helped me narrow down on what to study.
Another helpful tip is knowing what general classes you'll need to take for your interested major and if any of them are a deal breaker. For example, I decided against being a biology major because of the intensive math required. I know another friend who studies business just to avoid taking a language.
Another tip is to talk! to! Your! Professors! Is there any major you're curious about? Talk to a professor from that department. They know those majors-best and can talk to you about what it all entails prospective jobs, and all the works. That's how I found out about sustainability. Only good can come from you talking to your professors. Remember, they want you to succeed too.
With all these tips to consider, I hope you find your major soon. If you already found your major, I'm happy for you. For all, I wish you the best in your college journey.