All throughout high school I have had all different kinds of studying habits that actually work for me. If I have a rough day, sometimes I study just to help get my mind off of things. I study for all my tests and quizzes. If you have problems studying or don't really know how to, the following is a list of different study methods that might help you out.
Flashcards are my favorite thing to use when I study. They're easy to make and they work well for me. Using flashcards makes the term or whatever you're studying, stick in your head.
Using different colored pens or markers also makes it really easy to remember and a lot more fun to look at. If you know that the test will be based word for word from the textbook, using flashcards makes it really easy to memorize things the exact way they need to be.
DIY quizzes and tests
Going along with flashcards, handwriting your own tests or quizzes is a great idea. Look at old assignments or notes and copy down those questions.
I like to make my "tests" about 20-30 questions long just to make sure I answer every type of question. Use the assignments you copied down as the key and you're good to go.
Rewriting notes
Looking at old notes and rewriting them in your own words or just copying them down word for word, helps you memorize whatever you're studying.
Using different colored pens or markers makes it a little more fun to look at and helps you memorize them better.
Reading out loud
When I'm assigned a book to read, I have to read out loud to myself or else I don't understand what I'm reading very well. I'm not saying in the middle of class just start talking to yourself, but when you are home, then you can read to yourself if you have to.
Growing up you've heard English teachers say, "read your papers out loud, it really helps." Reading books out loud to yourself is the same concept.
Listening to someone else read to you
So let's say you are in class and you really need to finish this book so you read it in class. Go to YouTube and search, "Audio of (the book you're reading)" Listening to someone read to you is the same if not better than reading out loud to yourself.
Personally, listening to someone read and reading with them helps me pay attention a lot better and makes me understand what I'm reading rather than just scanning the words.