I've struggled with excessive stress and anxiety for a while now. I have learned some coping strategies that help me through those difficult times. Maybe my suggestions will work for you, and maybe they won't. You'll never know unless you try.
1. Pray
When I'm feeling stressed, I like to give it to God. Praying gives me the chance to voice my struggles and make them a little more real. The more you let your worries be known to Him, the less you stress about those worries. He cares for you, and He wants to help. Let go, and let God.
2. Find scriptures in the Bible related to your worries.
One of the most comforting scriptures I have come across is Joshua 1:9. It says,
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go."
How amazing is it to have a God who is always with you? The Bible is full of verses like this. You just have to look for them.
3. Listen to music
I listen to music every day. I don't think I've gone a day without it. Listening to music that you love or that you can relate to can help you feel a whole lot better. It's a way to tune out the world around you and just focus on yourself. It's incredible how one song can change your whole mood.
4. Exercise.
Whether it's a trip to the gym or a hike to the top of a mountain, exercise can significantly help you clear your mind. I've been so stressed out that I've run until I couldn't run anymore. I feel so much better afterwards. I also love to just simply walk--alone or with a friend. It's a quiet and relaxing activity. Hiking and adventuring have helped me so much. I get to the top of a mountain and look out at the view thinking, "Wow. My God did this. How incredible is His work?" I sit there in awe of how awesome He is, and I find myself forgetting all of the worries I had before I took in my surroundings.
5. Talk it out with a friend.
True friendship is such a blessing. I've found that talking it out with the right person can help you realize how small your worry is in the grand scheme of things. Also, the longer you keep things in, the more they will build up. It's important to let your stress go as long as you don't take it out on someone else. Talk about it. Be open and honest with someone you trust. The more you talk about it, the easier it gets to work through it.