Finals season for some reason always falls before the "T'is Be Jolly" season.
And finals season is never truly final until you take your final breath as a live human being... yes, being a zombie is all you are now.
The all-nighters...and here is a list to make sure you're doing them right:
1. Crying a lot. Before AND after.
2. Carbs. Lots and lots of carbs.
3. Taking necessary Netflix, Youtube, Instagram, you-name-it breaks.
4. Imagining all the different things you could be doing right now.
5. Call mom and ask if you can quit college.
6. Cry some more.
7. Go into full speed mode around five hours after you intended to do work.
8. Realizing that you should've never waited till the last minute...but that would've also gone against your nature.
9. Doing that obligatory Insta post that says: "Wish I was here instead of studying for finals..."
10. Hitting that submit button on your essay or walking out of that exam and knowing that you are about to hibernate for several winters in a row.
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