Recently, I've been called rude, literally snapped at, and yelled at because I didn't answer a message or didn't give a response. It's not like I was ignoring important information or intending to ignore the people trying to get my attention. The simple fact is that my cell phone will ring with hundreds of notifications a day. My phone will ring with so many calls. I typically try to keep my ringer on, but I'm busy and don't always need to be at everyone's feet all the time.
That being said, if you texted me and I didn't respond, I saw your message and decided it wasn't important at the time...or I just haven't seen it yet. The number one thing you could do to ensure that I will not respond would be to continuously text me. If you invited me somewhere and I said no without bringing up a time where I would be able to do such a thing, I probably just don't want to go.
If you're talking to me in person and make a comment that doesn't necessarily require a response and I don't give one, why would you look at me expectingly? I hear everything. I just choose not to comment.
Growing up, I talked LOUD. I still do. I always had to in order to be heard because I participated in male-dominated activities or things where you're likely to lose your hearing (lol JROTC and band). If I was going to respond to you, I would and you would hear me.
All of this in consideration, on Snapchat, on iMessage or any other platform you may use to get a hold of me...if you are not my mom, dad, boss or best friend, I hold no obligation to answer your every question or every snap. In fact, I won't. If I'm genuinely busy, I will let you know. Otherwise, just wait for a second and stop blowing up my phone about your lipstick shade or whether I'm free tonight. The answer is no until proven otherwise.
Yes, this entire thing was at a few people and they know who they are. If they don't...well that's why there's an issue.
Yes, this entire thing was a rant that no one is obligated to care at all for.
Thanks for coming to my talk, see you next week.