At some point in our lives, we become distant from our parents as we start discovering the real world. Often times we go through changes that we don't understand and our hormones are on overdrive. We tend to lash out at people around us and doing things we wouldn't normally do. Later on in life, we realize that there is a certain person in our life that has made us who we are today whether it be a biological mother or not. This is for my mother who became my best friend.
Dear Momma,
Thank you. It is two words that I do not say enough. When I say them, I mean them. I thank you for being my best friend. Growing up hasn't been easy and I know that I can be a handful sometimes...Or all the time. You have supported me through everything and never gave up on me. You showed me a love that can never be replaced.
Thank you for supporting me. Whether it was through sports, musicals, school, or my love for rescuing animals. Time is something that you can never get back and you spent a lot being there for me, cheering for me on the sidelines. There were times when I fell into a dark place and I couldn't see the light. I was scared, alone and tired. I came to you, you put your arms around and held me close as we cried together. You always make sure that I was okay. When I was younger, I got annoyed that you would consistently ask how I was or how my day went, when I realized that some of my friends and fellow classmates didn't all have loving parents, it made me realize just how blessed I was.
Thank you for all the sacrifices that you made for me. From time, to money to energy. Thank you for always listening. From school drama, work, things I have watched to spilling secrets and shedding tears. Even when I was hours away, you took the time to call me in the evening and ask about my day. You have always taken the time out of your day to listen to me whether it was in the early hours of the morning as we make breakfast or late at night when I can't sleep. Thank you for showing what love it. Love isn't just physical such as hugs and kisses but it is a "Text me when you get home safely" and "I made your favorite dinner because I knew you had a rough day." It is pushing someone beyond their limits because you know that they can do great things. It is encouraging them to step outside their comfort zone and try new things no matter how terrifying it seems. You have done all of this and more.
Thank you for influencing me to become the strong woman I am becoming. Every day I still continue to grow with your help and I will never step. You have shown me what it is like to go through a hard time and still manage to wake up and find the positive things in life. Because of you, I learned that finding happiness isn't always about ourselves but finding happiness by making others happy. You have taught me to put others first and myself second. You taught me to believe that I can do anything if I put my mind to it. That my dreams can become a reality if I make it come true. I learned from you to take my pain, bury the seed and let it grow with me. To take my pain and build something beautiful out of it. Thank you for helping me understand that I am not a victim, that I am a survivor. That I am a talented, beautiful, intelligent, sympathetic and giving woman. Thank you, Mom, for everything that you have done for me. I love you more than words can explain.
With love,
Your daughter