The school is in the section now! Some of you might be entering your first year and don't really know what to expect. Some of you may be in your last year with three full years of experiences and troubles of finding yourself or even just being productive, Some of you might be in the middle trying to figure life out and figuring what major is best. Whatever boat you are in, it's always great to know some tips or hacks to help you set up for a great semester. We all have these goals of achieving the highest GPA, ending up on the Dean's List or maybe just being more open! Whatever the case is theses ten hacks are here to use!
1. Take Your Sleep Seriously!
Often times than not, we sleep around the A.M hours and believe that maybe a five hour sleep will do us justice. But in reality we do need about 7-9 house of sleep!
2.Take A Day To Plan!
Photo by Marten Bjork on Unsplash
Planning your week out in advance will really do you justice and will save you from last mintue panic attacks.
3.Spend Time With Teachers, Even If You Don't Need Help!
Photo by bonneval sebastien on Unsplash
Get to know your teachers and it will staright up show on your grades, but dont always do it expecting an incentive,
4.Write All Due Dates On The First Day!
Photo by Eric Rothermel on Unsplash
Whatever your way is of organizing, always make sure you write due dates. You can set reminders on your phone or input them into your planner!
5.Always Read Ahead!
Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash
Reading ahead will save you time and will save you from trying to catch up with a lecture or a failing grade on a pop quiz!
6.Reward Yourself, Even For The Smallest Task!
Photo by Kira auf der Heide on Unsplash
Always reward yourself! Wheather its for completing an assigment on time or getting a good grade on a test!
7.Be Open To Yourself And Others!
Photo by Ben Duchac on Unsplash
College is a time to just let go. No one is going to judge you and if anything by being more open you create more opportunities for yourself and also just feel a sense of accomplishment!
8.Ask For Help When You Need it!
Photo by MarÃlia Castelli on Unsplash
The worst thing you can do is not ask help when you need it. Whether it's with a class or anything else! Always reach out and always give yourself the highest priority!
9.Always Look Online Before Buying A Textbook!
Photo by BENCE BOROS on Unsplash
The best thing you can do for yourself is waiting until the first day of class to find out if you really need a textbook If you do than start searching online with the title and pdf. Or search in local libraries or even on websites where you can get it for half the price!
10.Have Fun!
Photo by Chang Duong on Unsplash
Always give yourself a break no matter what life throws at you!