The infrared sensors which are also referred to as IR are one electronic solution that helps to measure and even detect infrared radiation in the surrounding environment. The radiation of Infrared was once discovered accidentally by the astronomer William Herchel in 1800. The temperature of the very light color was then measured where it was notified that the red light temperature was quite high.
Know the types of infrared sensors:
The infrared sensor comes in two types. The first one is an active sensor and the other one is a passive sensor.
Active infrared sensors:
The active infrared sensor is a cable for emitting and detecting the radiation of infrared. There are further two parts of which are the infrared source and infrared detector. The Infrared detectors consist of phototransistors. There is an energy transmission by the source of infrared which then is reflected through an object and then it falls on the detector of the infrared.
Passive infrared sensors:
It is more like an infrared detector itself. The sensors don't use much of an infrared source or detector at all. It is categorized into two types. The first one is thermal and the other one is the quantum sensor. The thermal infrared sensor uses infrared energy which works as the heat source. Thermocouples or bolometers are some common types of such detectors. Quanta in sensors is another popular type of sensor that brings a good level of detection performance. It works much faster as compared to thermal sensors. There is photosensitivity of such detected particles which is dependent highly on the wavelength.
Elements of infrared detection system:
There are five basic elements that are being used in the detection system for typical infrared. Talking of which those are:
An Infrared Source
Optical Component
A Transmission Medium
Signal Processing
Infrared Detectors or Receivers
Other than this infrared laser and Infrared LED with a certain wavelength is also used as the infrared source.
Types Of Media Used For Infrared Transmission:
In order to transmit infrared radiation, there are three different media types that are being used. This includes:
Optical fibres
The primary focus of such media is to respect the spectral response.
Applications of IR Sensor
There are different projects and electronic devices in which the IR sensors are being used. This includes:
Night Vision Devices
This kind of infrared technology is used in the night vision equipment in case there is not much clear visibility of the light available. The devices of the night vision transform the ambient light photons in the electrons and then amplify them with the electrical and chemical process before it finally converts them back into the visible lighting.
Radiation Thermometers
The sensors of IR are used in the radiation thermometers by which the temperature can be measured. It also depends on the object's material and temperature. Such thermometers are loaded with features like a quick response, no direct contact with an object, easy measurement patterns
Infrared Tracking
To use a missile guidance system then infrared tacking is the best. This tracking works with infrared electromagnetic radiation which gets emitted from a target.
IR Imaging Devices
IR imaging device is another popular application of IR wave which is used for night vision devices and thermal imagers the most.
Under the Working Principle
IR sensor comes in two oats: the receive circuit and the emitter circuit. This is also called an optocoupler or a photo-coupler
IR LED works as an emitter while IR photodiode works as a detector. A photodiode is quite sensitive to the light of an IR that LED emits. The resistance of the photodiode along with the output voltage changes properly to the IT light which is received. This is the primary principle of IR sensor working.
The incidence type can either be direct or indirect. In the direct incidence, the IR LED is put in the photodiode without any hurdle in between. In case of the indirect incidence, the decodes are put on the sides using an opaque object right at the front of the sensor. The IR LED light will then hit the opaque surface and get back its reflection to the photodiode.
Physics laws Fundamental on which the Infrared Sensors works
Law of Stephan Boltzmann: The whole energy which is emitted at all the wavelengths using a black body is associated with the absolute temperature
Law of Wein's Displacement: The different temperature objects can emit the spectra that shall reach different wavelengths which are proportional inversely to the temperature.
Law of Planck's Radiation: The objects whose temperature is not equivalent to the Absolute Zero (0 Kelvin) emits radiation
How Infrared Sensor Works?
There is some sequence in which the infrared sensors work. This includes:
The transmitter of Infrared source is used for emitting the radiation of the desired wavelength
The radiation will then reach out to the object and then it is reflected again
The radiation is then detected using the IT receiver
The IR receiver which has detected the radiation is processed further depending on the intensity.
The IR recovery output is quite small
The use of an amplifier is made for amplifying the signals which are detected.
To be precise, in the IR Detection System, the incidence can be either direct or indirect. In case there is direct incidence then there will not be any hindrance between the receiver or the transmitter. In case of indirect incidence, the receiver and the transmitter will be kept on the side while the object will be right in front of them
Advantages and Drawbacks of Infrared sensor
There are some advantages and drawbacks that you need to about the In Infrared sensor. Talking which some of them are:
Advantages of Infrared sensor:
The battery which is used in the devices of Infrared can last for quite some time because of its less power consumption
It offers communication in a secured and smooth manner because of its point-to-point mode of communication or the line of sight
The infrared sensors motion can detect the motion anytime be it daylight or during the night and is completely reliable.
The sensor doesn't really need any contact to be made with the product to be sensed. The devices of the infrared are accurate for the targets that are closer than 10mm.
The devices of the infrared can be used for measuring the distance of the soft object which are quite challenging to be detected using ultrasound.
Infrared radiations are a small and affordable option too
It offers better stability as time passes
The time of response is better as compared to the thermocouple
There will not be any oxidation or corrosion which can hamper the infrared second accuracy.
There is better repeatability than you get with it.
Drawbacks of Infrared sensor:
Listed are some drawbacks of the Infrared sensor;
The frequencies of the infrared often get affected due to hard objects such as doors and walls. Along with with-it sunlight, smoke and dust can also affect the frequencies. That is why it may not work best with the doors
The waves of the infrared come with high power. This can affect the eyes and sometimes can even damage it
In the control and monitor application, it will be able to control only a single device. However, it is quite challenging to control multiple things that are not in the line of sight. It however needs the line of sight within the recovery and transmitter for communication.
It can support the short-range and thus the performance may degrade along with long-distance
It may give better support to lessen down the rate of data transmission over wired transmission.
IR is not easily visible to the human eye. Its wavelength is longer if you compare it with the regular light visibility. Anything which would emit the head will eventually emit infrared radiation as well.